Chapter 26

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3rd person

The two girls were about to reach the top floor and Nino was about to tell Alya he was breaking up with her, this was not going to end well for anyone he thought. Marinette didn't want to deal with either the liar or the blogger this early in the morning, but still surprised Nino with breakfast. Could they even cook or were they just grabbing some food that black had made and calling it their work she thought.

Marinette leaned her head onto Damian's chest and he wrapped an arm around her. Marinette gave Nino a look and said do it now and he knew he had to or he never would.

The two brunettes walked up the stairs and were surprised to see them awake and sitting in the upstairs living room. Nino sitting on a chair and Marinette sitting on the couch with her head against some guy's chest and the second Lila saw him she knew he was rich just by looking at what he was wearing you could tell. But he hadn't seen her yet, he was too busy scrolling through his phone.

"Good morning, I brought you some breakfast Nino. I wasn't sure if you were awake yet Marinette so I didn't bring you any. Who's your friend?" She tried to be civil with Mareintte to impress Nino but all three teens saw right through it.

Nino was the first to speak and Marinette and Damian were waiting to see what was about to happen. "Thanks, Alya but I already had breakfast sorry." he said and she just nodded then it was Marionettes turn to speak.

"Good morning Alya, he's not my friend he's my boyfriend actually." she said with a sweet smile and the others realized what she was trying to do, Lila hadn't taken her eyes off of Damian since she came up and clearly was thinking of a new lie.

"Damian, Damian Wayne, I'm guessing your classmates of my Angel." he said and they both nodded, Marinette could see Lila going pale remembering her lie from the day before. Alya turned to her, to ask something but Nino interrupted before she got a chance to say anything.

"Alya there is something i need to tell you in private" he said and Alya clearly didn't understand the meaning of the word private when she said "if you have something to say you can say it infront of everyone" she spoke with anger and jealousy lacing through her voice she was clearly upset from the day before about the waffle stand.

"Fine" Nino said, taking a breath before saying "I'm breaking up with you" . Alya 's eyes started to fill with tears and they started to slip down her cheeks "why?" she said her voice barely above a whisper.

Nino,sighed before looking her in the eyes before looking over to Marinette and Damian who understood that he wanted to tell her alone. The two quickly went down the stairs to the kitchen, passing the dining room where the class saw them. They didn't see Damian's face so they thought it was just Nino with her.

Nino's perspective

After they had left he looked towards Lila "she's not leaving she's my best friend whatever you're going to say you can say it infront of her" Alya said clearly defensive about her best friend.

"Fine, Lila can stay but the reason I'm breaking up with you is because you've changed a lot you're not the same girl you were when we were locked in the zoo enclosure together. You're always with Lila and whenever I ask to do something with you, you always ask to bring Lila, even when I say alone. I'm sorry but it's over" Nino said, finishing his explanation.

Alya looked shocked by his words "what about Marinette you're always spending time with her and why can't my best friend spend time with us." Alya questioned.

"Mari's my little sister. I've always been protective over her and Lila is the only thing you ever even talk about. When I took you out on a date, all you talked about was her." Nino reasoned.

3rd person

With that Alya ran out of the room crying with Lila following her. As she ran down stairs she ran right into Marinette who was going back upstairs to get her phone. The second Alya saw her she screamed at her "you're the reason Nino broke up with me."


How was the chapter? If you have any ideas for a Daminette one shots let me know I would love to write a one shot for you.

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