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Felix went home that day, feeling as proud as ever. Would've been understandable if he got good grades or something. But no he was proud cause he made his hot sub teacher blush.

He squeaked by just remembering the oldest face.

He got weird looks in return from people around.

When he arrived home, he was met with the sight of his mom dragging her luggage,

and it seems like... the parents are going on a business trip,

"What are those luggage for?" Felix asked, he knew exactly what they were for, he just couldn't seem to believe that they are leaving, again.

"Look Felix, we are sorry, but this is really important for our job" the father answered simply, he was sitting in the couch.

"But you promised" Felix said lowly, angered by the two adults behavior.

"We are sorry.. this is the last tim-"

"NO! IT ISN'T THE LAST TIME. YOU ALWAYS SAY THE SAME SHIT" Felix shouted, his day completely ruined.

"Watch your language! young man" his father warned.

"Why would I? I thought only good parents deserve respect? You guys don't even seem to care about me or my life" Felix retorted, a stray tear leaving his beautiful eye.

"We are doing this for YOU!" his mother interrupted.

"Who said I want anything? I just want you guys to show me love! I thought this past two weeks meant something?" the child cried.

"It did made us realize we should work harder"

"Work harder to get rid of me? Like your two other daughters? Is that what you want dad?" Felix questioned sarcasm dripping from his words,

As he got no answers he carried on.

"You made my older sister get married for 'her own good' huh?" Felix mocked.

"You sent the other to study abroad BUSINESS! when she was interested in arts. And she is younger than me!! What kind of parents!"

"You are still young and you know nothing"

"I know that you are a narcissistic asses who ONLY CARES ABOUT THEMSELV-


Felix gasped, it was the first time his dad has ever laid a finger on him.


"THOSE ARE THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD DO IF YOU WANTED KIDS. I OWE YOU NOTHING" Felix was shocked by himself and so his parents, he always gave up after 2 minutes of arguing, but not today.

He had enough with their bullshit. And he was so close to actually just leave. For ever.

"Don't bother calling yourself a parent when you don't even know that your kid is failing school"

"YOU ARE WHAT NOW?" his mom shouted.

"SEE? YOU CARED SO MUCH BOUT MY SISTERS GRADES BUT NOT ME?" Felix looked so hurt, not cause he thought the girls were more favored, instead he thought that they were disliked. His parents were only strict on them.

I mean yeah they still forced him to persue psychology, but still.. not as strict, and he felt bad.

"It's near time of our flight" His dad looked at the clock, then picked up his bag.

"We are going for two months, and we gonna have a talk about this behavior and your school grades" his mother said getting ready to leave.

As for Felix he was stuck, after all he said, they still chose to leave? As if he was nothing?

He tried everything to get their attention, all this years, yet all he got is the cold shoulder, and the fake love?

He stormed to his room, not even saying a goodbye. They don't deserve it, he thought.


When changbin made it to his house, he was feeling anxious. He kind of forgot to tell his parents that he had extra hours with Mr Bang..

He opened to door to be met with their faces right in front of him, creepily waiting for him.

"WHERE WERE YOU? YOU UNGRATEFUL RAT!" the mother yelled, her mouth reeking of alcohol.

"I was at school" changbin replied, fear visible in his eyes.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO LIE AT US" the father grabbed his son's hair violently.

"I'm not though"

His father pushed him, making him fall on the ground.

"You were fucking some random guy, right? You fag" the mother spat.


Changbin was shocked, he never came out to them. He knew he shouldn't,

"How do you-"

"How did we know that our dear son likes to suck dicks?" The dad laughs miserably.

"Maybe you should hide your disgusting diaries somewhere else" his mom said walking closer to him, her eyes red.

He did know that his parents were addicted to alcohol but not also drugs.

With alcohol they were abusive as fuck. But now that they are affected by drugs he couldn't tell what's gonna happen.

Changbin was so scared. Yes he was built And strong, but he couldn't defend himself from his parents.

He couldn't hurt them, in fact he couldn't hurt anyone in that matter.

His mother grabbed him by his collar and slapped him. Unlike Felix he was used to slaps and hits.

"You fucking DISGUST ME!!" she slapped him again, and again, and again. Until his face was numb.

As for his father, he was enjoying the sight, way too much that he decided to join.

He tapped his wife's shoulder, for her to get off.

As he grabbed changbin on his feet. Then punched him, to fall again.

Them started kicking his stomach multiple times.

You would've thought that changbin would be crying, well you are not entirely wrong. He was tearing up cause of the repeated shocks of pain.

But he was also wondering, how his parents hated each other yet they would unite on him.

'i guess they just hate me way too much that they would rather team up on Me than solve their marriage' changbin thought to himself, and chuckled.

Oh and how much did he regret doing that.

Cause the last thing he remembered is his father shouting "HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT ME" then grabbing the near vase and raising it in the sky....

Then just blaank.

Changbin lost consciousness as the hit was so hard, his father didn't care much even after seeing blood.

His mother did care though. Not fer her son but cause, she could go to jail.

She rushed to her son's side and started shaking him.

"Changbin sweetie? Get up, you know we were just joking, right?" She shook him again.

Even though she was high as fuck but she knew that he didn't die, obviously he was breathing.

So she took to her hands to treat his wounds, just for the sake of it.

Thanks 4 Reading!

Sorry this chapter sucks ass but what to do.. m at school and the teacher doesn't really want to teach anything, so yeah writing just to pass time lol

I promise chan's back story is coming soon.


I'd appreciate if you'd leave comments, they make my day!

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