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MTF! Kiyoko
(This takes place in y'all's second year)

(Y/n) (l/n) wasn't the most popular guy in school. He wasn't really that good at anything. He was just your average Joe, in his opinion. So, naturally, he had no clue why the Shimizu Kiyoko would want to be with him.

Kiyoko was a goddess. Her silky raven hair that sat just at her shoulders. Her glasses and beauty mark that decorated her face. Her skin soft and beautiful even with acne. She was the girl of his dreams. And though the world saw you and a straight couple you were (your sexuality) and she was bisexual. They also didn't know you were both trans. It was one of the things you could relate to each other on.

On this specific day you were doing (your hobby) after school, thinking of your girlfriend. Just then, you got a call from your girlfriend. You answered in a heartbeat and greeted her with a quick "hello".

"Hey babe, I'm at practice and two of the players don't believe that I have a boyfriend. They made me call you so you're on speaker."

"Why don't they think you have a boyfriend?" You asked confused.

"No one is good enough for Kiyoko-san!" You heard a higher pitched male voice yell from the other side of the phone. Your heart sank slightly at this comment.

"How about you come over to the gym and show them?" She asked.

You nodded, then realizing she couldn't see you you responded with a "Uh sure, be there in five." You said your goodbyes and headed to the school, which was a five minute walk from your house.

You knew the location of the gym since you and Kiyoko would often eat lunch on the side of the gym together.

You put on a jacket as it was a little chilly outside, grabbed your house keys and phone, and headed out the door. Two minutes had passed since you hung up the call with your girlfriend.

Your house was a three minute walk from the school. You walked at an anxiously fast pace, so fast it only took you a minute and a half to arrive to the gym.

When you walked in, you were greeted by Kiyoko, a scary bald guy, and a short guy with spikey brown hair that had a streak of blond hair that sat on his forehead.

"Uh h-hi?" You cursed yourself for stuttering in your head.

"Omg he's hot." The bald one said.

"Damn I didn't think anyone was as hot as Kiyoko but damn." The short one agreed.

This boosted your ego slightly. The rest of the time was spent asking you questions about yourself. You didn't think you'd make friends this way.

Word count- 466

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