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!insecure Akaashi! Reverse comfort!

"Hey, y/n?" Akaashi asked hesitantly.  You both looked over the railing on the bridge into the beautiful park, which happened to be the spot you had your first kiss. You'd been with Akaashi for seven years now. The best seven years of your life, in your opinion. You'd known each other since even before you transitioned, socially or medically, but he still lived you regardless. You knew he loved you. You always had. You knew he didn't express his feelings through words, and that 'I love you' didn't roll off his tongue as easily as it did yours. He showed his love in other ways, through kisses, dates, cooking, simply just being a body double sometimes. All you needed was for him to be there, and the same was for him.

But Akaashi always had his doubts. He never expressed them to you, though. Usually all of his insecurities were washed away before they were even expressed. You always assured him he was more than his body. In school, you assured him his grades were fine. You always assured him you loved him unconditionally.

And yet,

He always felt he was never enough, of no fault of yours. He always felt like you deserved more. Someone who wasn't a workaholic, who wasn't always hit on whenever you two were out together, who did more chores, who could tell you they loved you. So he decided to ask.

"Am I enough for you?" The words he had kept in in fear of the answer, the words he'd been afraid of, finally came out.

"And I don't want a generic, 'of course baby, I love you'. I want your honest opinion as to if I do enough. I want you to know how much I care about you. I know I can't say 'I love you' as easily as you can. But I do. I love you with everything and anything I have and I want to know you know that." He finished his rant with a sigh.

"Keiji, I think you should turn around." You said to him, a smile on his face.

He turned around, and then he saw it. Tears for med in his eyes.


"Akaashi Keiji, you are perfect in every way. And even though you don't say the words I know you love me in every possible way. You let me know every day. We've been together seven years now, and I can't imagine living without you. I wanna grow old with you. And I know marriage was something we always talked about, for tax benefits of course, so why not? Akaashi Keiji, will you marry me? At the least for tax purposes?" You said with a smile. He looked at the red velvet box, then at you, then at the box again, then at you for one last time before running up to you and kissing you. You kissed each other with a smile on your faces.

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