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!Artist reader! ! Photographer Suna!

You returned your gaze back to the clock. It still wasn't time to go home. In fact, you had just started this class and were already tired of it. You were starting an art project that was meant to be partnered. You had free reign over the style of the project and the subject matter, but you both had to participate and it had to include at least two of the mediums shown on the board.

She then listed the partners. You knew a few people in the class and had spoken to most of them before. Most people were friendly but you'd be lying if you said there wasn't at least one or two people you how's you wouldn't get partnered with.

"(y/n) (l/n) and Rintarou Suna." She called out. Rintarou Suna... You tried to remember who this person was. It came to you, he was the photography major with the hair spiked out to the each. Once the teacher finished calling out the partners, you all scrambled to find your own. Some exited that they were put with a friend or an acquaintance at the least. Some nervous due to being put with complete strangers. Some unhappy with the choices all together.

You headed to the back of the room where Suna sat alone. He wore the Inarizaki uniform as you all did, though the eyeliner on his eyes was apparent. Instead of a tie he wore a thin chain necklace, which you noted as to be against the dress code but didn't really care. His shoes were what your mom would have described as skater shoes, all black and made of a velvety material with dark brown bottoms to them. The tongue of the shoe wider and longer than most shoes. He donned a single ring on each of his fingers, though you couldn't tell the design by just looking from far away. In his lap was what you presumed to be a photography bag. On his desk you saw a notebook and the paper the teacher had handed out with the project criteria as well as a pen, pencil and heart shaped eraser.

You sat at the empty desk beside him and flashed him a smile before you got out your notebook along with a sketchpad.

You both greeted each other and got straight to the details of the project.

"So i was thinking we could de something that in lived a pencil sketch and a picture you can take (if you don't like pencil sketches you can just imagine it as another art form :) ). Like, if you took a picture and i sketched it or something." The looked at your notes, deep in thought.

"What if i took a picture and we ripped it in half and you drew the other half." He said simply.

"That's a great idea! So we just have to find something to take a picture of."

You talked for a while, brainstorming ideas, and settled on taking a picture at your local park.

It was the day you and Suna were going to take photos at the park to choose one to use in the project. In class you had decided on taking a picture and getting it printed at a shop in town after Suna edited it. That would be his portion of the project. Your portion would be ripping it in half and then chosing which half you wanted to use, then you would glue it onto a piece of sketching paper and draw out the other side using the other half of the picture as a reference.

It was a spring day, which meant it was decently chilly and so you had your favorite spring coat on. You sat on the park bench in the area you were supposed to meet Suna. You played with your fingers, anxious as to if he'd show up or not, until you saw him in the distance. He wore a dark brown sweater with a collar underneath it. As he got closer you noticed his necklace, it had a heart on it with the mlm flag on it. You didn't know whether to ask or assume so you decided to complement him on it.

"Hey Suna! I love your necklace, where'd you get it?" You asked him, subtlety hinting at if the necklace signified what he thought it signified.

"Oh um my friend mad sit for me. She's really into resin art and said something about it being international coming out day so she made me this in return for taking photos of her and her girlfriend."

"Omg that's so cute!" You said as you smiled, glad that this seemed to be someone you could be yourself around.

For the next few weeks you and Suna became rather close with one another. You'd just talk and found out you had a lot of similar interests. You'd talk about cute guys in TV shows and bond over laughing at stupid TikToks. It was amazing.

One day Suna and you were hanging out, this was long after you had submitted your project (which you both got full marks on) and you were just mindlessly hanging out.

"You know, (y/n), I have a project due for my photography class and I need to have someone model for me. I was wondering, could you maybe do that for me? It would be a picture of you in your binder laying down. It's meant to convey an emotion of sorts an I got emptiness. If not that's okay but I kinda want it to be you."

You saw the anticipation in his eyes. He never really outwardly expressed emotion, so you found little cute as to what he is feeling. You could always tell what emotion it was by looking at his eyes. You couldn't say no to this. This meant so much to him.

"Of course I will Suna, you've modeled for my drawings before, it's only natural I return the favor." You smiled at him. You could see the appreciation in his eyes.

You laid on Suna's bed in just your binder and some grey sweatpants. You turned your gaze towards the ceiling. You were of course no professional model, so Suna guided you every now and then he would take a part of your body and guide it with his hand. You got slight shivers every time.

Little did you know, Suna was slowly coming to a realization. You were beautiful. The way your wet hair stuck to your face just as he intended it to, the way your lips parted slightly in the midst of your blank expression. It was all so perfect.

Once Suna had gotten the photo he wanted, you both just watched a movie. You couldn't help but notice Suna glancing at you often throughout it.

"Hey, Suna, is there something on my face?" You asked almost jokingly."

"No.. it's just ..." He paused.

"Just what?"

He looked at you, long and hard, as if examining you. You looked into his eyes again to know what he was feeling, bet there was a look you hadn't seen before. It wasn't a look of disgust or care or surprise. You really couldn't tell.

"(Y/n), do you ever realize how beautiful you are? I mean, genuinely, how absolutely stunning you are?"

You were speechless. What did he mean. You had never received a compliment like that.

"Uh, what am I supposed to say to that?" You asked him genuinely.

"Well, here's a simpler question, can I kiss you?"

You hesitated, not used to him being so forward. But, you eventually nodded.

He leaned in really close. Your noses almost touched. He put his hand just under your jaw, his thumb caressing your ear lobe. And then his lips met with yours. You just melted into it, letting him take the lead. Once you pulled apart you knew what that look was. Love. It was love.

Word count, 1374

Guess who isn't dead. Me. That's who. Don't expect regular updates tho. I'm just using this as a way to get over writers block so I figured why not. But i will be updating whenever I feel like so, yeah

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