Are Dragons Real?

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It depends on who you ask. But I believe that they do. Obviously not in this plane, that can be very dangerous but cool. I won't lie, I find that really cool. Anyways, dragons exist in the astral places, just like the fae, ancestors, animal guides, and so on. Dragons represent all elements, and some believe dragons represent one element, depending on the dragon. Either way they are dangerous and should be awoken slowly and calmly and only if needed. For example, it doesn't matter how badly your nail has broken, you do not need to awaken the dragon for that. If you do, then what do you plan to summon/call/awaken or whatever, if you or your family is being threatened by some dangerous virus or by a tornado?

Also, don't call upon them too much because they can get angry. And an angry dragon is very dangerous.

Dragons are guardians, but not your nanny. They will guide and protect you; but don't expect them to tend your splinter. Also, no matter how wise they are or how "close" you feel you connect to them, you do NOT just play around with them. If you connect to wolves you won't just go into a hostile wolf pack. That's stupid and reckless. Anyways, treat them with respect, and you will be respected. Simple as that!

Do not meddle with dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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