Types of Magick

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This is an interesting subject. I say this, because not all Wiccans follow the same tradition, so their view on magick is different. There are many views on magick. Some believe in white and black magick, some believe in grey magick. Some believe in green magick, some believe there is elemental magick. Some believe multiple of these, or even all. Some believe none, that it is colourless.

Coloured magick can be seen as scaled or not. If not scaled it is just determined by the use of it. Black magick is seen as dark, and is frowned upon by Wiccans. White magick is pure and good, what Wiccans use. There is also elemental magick, which seems to be self explanatory. Then there is green magick, which I believe means healing and/or nature. Please correct me on this. There is also grey magick. An example of grey magick would be you wish to win a contest, and the person that would of bet you gets really sick and is no longer able to participate. Your intentions were good, but someone got hurt even in the most innocent way.

Wiccans who do not believe in coloured magick believe that magick has no label. This is the belief I follow because all magick has the same energy. Because of this, that does not mean that someone can use this energy to harm. The energy should be used with the purest intention as the Mother wants.

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