Creating a Circle

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Circles are really important because they keep you and others safe from energies used in spell work. Minor spells don't usually require a circle but it is still optional if you need to practice. Like everything else, find a method that best suits you. I am someone with a big imagination, so the way that best suits me is the circle starting in front of me and the energy growing and spreading in a deosil direction (clockwise). This is called closing the circle. It may seem backwards but really it is not. When the circle surrounds you, you are closing it to be secure. You are closing yourself from the world in a way. If you want to keep something inside a bottle, you won't open the cap, would you?

At this point you may ask the elements or archangels to help you. Elements can be tricky so you should start off with archangels. I say this because elements can not be controlled easily. It's like lighting a fire (literally since fire is an element) and saying "you can only burn here." It won't listen. If possible, it'll spread. Fast even. Sometimes spells require help from the God and Goddess, and that too you want to wait. You want to be able to summon them properly as well as dismiss them respectfully. Once you are comfortable with archangels (which are safest) you can move on to elements.

When invoking elements, spirits, and such, you want to start from the north or east, depending on the tradition you follow, and invite them clockwise. Be sure to follow the order they wish to be. (Earth{n}, Air{e}, Fire{s}, Water{w})

Before opening the circle, you want to thank all you have invoked. Once you thank and dismissed them, feeling their presence leave, you can begin to open your circle. To do so, start from where you started, and thank them and dismiss them going counter clockwise. Then open the circle in a counterclockwise direction.

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