Spell Casting

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Spell casting is something a Wiccan might do religiously, for others, and sometimes for themselves, without harming themselves or anyone. People may think that magick is extremely hard to control, some may find it really easy. There are also people who fear it, and some who don't. For people who find it extremely hard and/or want to learn, this is something you want to pay attention to. Even if you find it easy you should pay attention as well.

Here I will explain to you how to cast a spell without a circle. When I say circle, I do not mean coven. This is for Solitaire witches, meaning no covens at all. Because you are not in a coven does not you do not use a circle.

First you must centre and ground yourself. Doing so means to gather energy from the universe to use it in spell casting. This is highly important. Before doing so, eat and drink something to avoid getting lightheaded. Find a method that best suits you. I will talk about two. ONE: Sit cross legged, or comfortably, and breathe properly, starting with regular breathes then keep them constant and deep. Put your arms up and your hands in a position as if holding a big ball over your head. Imagine branches growing from your fingers and roots from the bottom of your body. As the branches grow, so do the roots. Grow them to the universe and collect the energy. Once the sensation of energy, however it feels like, allow the branches and roots return slowly to not break the visual. TWO: Follow all the instructions from the first option, but instead of putting your hands in the air and such, imagine a golden string spin deosil (clockwise) from the universe. As it lowers, it goes through all Chakras. Starting from the Crown chakra. Once the sensation is there, the string goes to the next Chakra, and so on. Once the sensation is everywhere the string will return spinning Widdershins (counter clockwise).

After that, think the spell over. Ask yourself if you are sure you want the spell to take effect, and if you believe in it. Remember the Law of Three and be sure no one gets hurt.

Be sure to remember magick does not defy science, and the spell will not work if the Goddess does not want it to. Always remember to say "If the Goddess wills it, So Mote It Be."

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