Sabbats and Esbats

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Sabbats and Esbats are holidays Wiccans celebrate. There are four Sabbats, as well as 13 Esbats. Esbats are celebrated on the 13 full moons throughout the year(including a blue moon). Esbats are used for spell casting and meditation, where Sabbats are used for worshipping the Goddess and God.


Ice Moon - January

Snow Moon - Febuary

Death Moon - March

Awakening Moon - April

Grass Moon - May

Planting - June

Rose - July

Lightning - August

Harvest -September

Hunters - October

Tree - November

Long night - December


divided into two groups; one of these being the lesser Sabbats which mark the equinoxes and solstices and

the others are major Sabbats that mark agriculture and fertility. Sabbats are celebrated the evening the day before, ending at dusk.

The Greater Sabbats are

Samhain - Celebrated on the 31st of October

Imbolc - Celebrated on 31st of January, the 1st or 2nd of Febuary.

Beltane - Celebrated on 1st of May and is also known as May Day

Lughnasadh - Celebrated on the 31st of August and is also known as Lammas.

The Lesser Sabbats are

Ostara - Celebrated on the Spring Equinox

Litha - Celebrated on the Summer Solstice

Mabon - Celebrated on the Autumn Equinox

Yule - Celebrated on the Winter Solstice

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