A/N: The Show Must Go On

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Not an update

Updated the last chapter last week. It was something prompted by Lakshmila4ardi, on August 27. When I updated the last chapter, I did not know till then our little bubble of wattpad has changed, and it will never be the same again. She was gone, she is no more with us.

For the first time in my life I am regretting of being late, I am regretting that I could not fulfil her wish in time, and when I did finally, she is not here to read it. What made it worst it that, that chapter was for her. On the top, I included the quote from PoA in that chapter, without knowing, which said, "Only one thing keeps a person glued to their life, even after their death. The memories of them." I am really sorry to my friends and readers if the last update seemed inconsiderate of me. I somehow skipped the announcement made by her sister. I was almost nine days late to know her news. And it is devastating.

lakshmila4ardi was the most adorable one. She was fun, she was enthusiastic, a good writer. She had so many plans to continue several books. I always feel, her comments made some of us to be friends with each other. I still believe one day she will just appear from no where and say "It's all a prank!" Oh, my ears are waiting to hear that, and it will wait, forever. I loved her, we all loved her. And she will be in our heart, forever. As Sirius Black once said,

"But know this; the ones that love us never truely leave us."

I can understand, with time and age we may fall apart, we may lose interest on what we are writing and reading now, but to all my wattpad friends, I want you to know one thing, I love you guys, and mere thinking that any of us might be absent is painful. So, there is a request, if possible please keep in touch. We may never meet in our life time, but share of love and friendship is important.

I am attaching the screenshot of her bio. I feel it has a touch of hers, she mentioned her works and some of our names. I just wanted to keep it with me.

Lakshmila4ardi was a little sister to me

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Lakshmila4ardi was a little sister to me. Wherever she is now, I hope she is lively and fun, as she was among us. I love you little one, you know that, right? You must be watching us and I believe we will meet again.

Asatoma Sad-Gamaya
(Lead me from the untruth to the truth)
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya
(Lead me from darkness to light)
Mrytyor-Maa Amritam Gamaya
(Lead me from death to immortality)
Om Shaantih Om
(Om, peace)

The story that was written by her is,

Ramayan: Untold Romance.

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