Chapter 9

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No one's P.O.V.

Sitting under a beautiful chandelier, Ivan and Miss. Granger was busy ordering their meal. Hazel was sitting at a different table along with a few other office employees. Her eyes weren't leaving Ivan's face even for a second. Her heart felt uneasy when she witnesses Ivan showing his perfect white teeth smile to Luna Granger, the annoyingly beautiful and most perfect girl out there. She's jealous of Luna and she adores her at the same time. Hazel couldn't even hate Luna because she knew that Luna is a self-made girl boss.

Averting her gaze from the beautiful duo, she decided to focus on her chocolate pastry. At least she has good food to enjoy. She couldn't help but feel inferior in presence of Luna. Ivan looks good with Luna. She's someone he deserves. Hazel dig her pastry with a fork feeling pity for herself and then gulped down her sorry self with bite of chocolate pastry down her stomach. She sealed her sadness with a hot warm sip of coffee.

Food is there when no one else is there.

"Hey. Do you mind if I ask for your number?", a soft well-mannered voice echoed inside her ears. She looked up and witnessed the blonde guy with beautiful pair of chocolate eyes smiling at her. He's the assistant of Luna Granger. His name is Arian Lucas.

"I don't mind", saying so, she passed him her card. They're business partners and meeting Arian will now be a part of her job. With this thought, she exchanged numbers. Arian gave her his card as well.

The next thirty minutes passed by with Hazel making small talk with the people she was sharing her table with. Most of her time was busy eyeing Ivan's table and nodding to the conversation everyone was having amongst themselves. Arian passed her a friendly smile whenever their eyes met. And the eye contact was way too often for her liking.

Her heavy heart felt relaxed again when Luna and Ivan got up after eating their lunch together. Hazel almost ran to them. All she wanted was to stand in between both of them and yell at top of her lungs stating Ivan is her man but that's not the case right now. She has to have patience.

"It was nice meeting you, Mr. Greene", Luna said and Ivan smiled at her. They both share a friendly handshake. Hazel stood next to Ivan and passed a fake professional smile to Luna.

"Let me treat you to dinner sometime", Ivan responded.

Let me roast you and fed you to the animals sometimes, Hazel thought.

"You know where to find me", said Luna before leaving the place with her colleagues for good. Hazel's heart was on fire.

As soon as everyone left, Hazel glared at Ivan and then left the place at a fast pace. She stood outside the restaurant and inhaled a few deep breaths. Ivan can never change. She needs to find out soon what he thinks of her. If he's no feelings for her then she might have to leave this place. There's no point in beating around the bush and passing her time. It will be a waste of her feelings and her emotion.

"Do we have any more meetings arranged for today, Miss. Hazel?", Ivan asked her in a professional tone. It irked her even more. He's being formal to her whilst he was smiling at Luna and was way too friendly with that girl.

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