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Several weeks had passed and it was finally the appointment to find out the gender of the baby. Since the last video from Taehyung, you had only heard from him two other times. You knew it was because it took time for messages to come through, but your heart ached painfully.

"Alright Mrs. Kim, if you would please lift your shirt and we'll check on this beautiful baby of yours."

You laid back allowing her to check the baby. The baby had brought a lot of comfort for whenever your heart ached for Taehyung. You had felt the baby move occasionally and it always seemed to be when you needed comfort the most.

"Looks like you're having a baby boy."

Tears stung your eyes. You could imagine the little boy looking so like Taehyung, which made you smile and hurt all in the exact moment.

Once you got home you got your camera to send a message to Taehyung.

"Hey Tae, I went to the doctor again today, and we are going to have a sweet little boy. We're having a son!"

You fell silent tears stinging your eyes. Looking back at the camera your throat tightened painfully as you tried to speak, but you couldn't. Tears began involuntarily falling down your cheeks.

"I...I.... wish you were here....'s been so hard.... I.... I need you."

Before you could cry anymore in front of the camera, you turned it off, not wanting Taehyung to see you in such a vulnerable state.


It had been months since you heard from Taehyung. You were only a couple of weeks away from your due date when a ring came at the front door.

Waddling your way to the door, you opened the door and recognized the man in front of you.

It was Jimin...


"Hello, Y/N..."

"Where's Taehyung? Why are you back?"

There was a painful silence and it told you everything you needed to know.


"I'm sorry, there was an accident. We all launched into our own pods to escape. Taehyung made it into his pod, but something happened, and he disappeared. We haven't been able to find him or locate him. The only thing left is that he would be dead.... I am truly sorry for your loss."

Your heart dropped to your stomach, throat tightening. The room around you began to spin as you stepped away from the door.


You looked at your belly your fingers wrapping gingerly around it.


You didn't respond, the spinning and pounding of your head increasing until your knees collapsed below you. The room becoming black like a black hole was swallowing you whole.


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