Broken Heart

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Taehyung POV


"Taehyung, we've got to go! Get into an escape pod. The mission is off. The escape will take you home. I guess you'll get to see your wife sooner."

Taehyung quickly grabbed his suit, jumping into the closest escape pod. Pressing launch as a large asteroid came straight for the ship. The pod launched from the ship and into the blackness of space.

"Alright, Taehyung let's go home. Just press the big green button and the pod will automatically take you back to Earth."

Taehyung smiled pressing his pod's green button. The pod's engines fired up shooting him into space but in the wrong direction.


He tried to reach out to them, but all he heard was static from his comms.


It had been a couple of weeks since then. The pod's navigation maps had been damaged by an asteroid a few weeks earlier that none of them knew about and the pod was still heading straight for the moon Europa. He spent those weeks trying to fix the navigation system until it finally came back online. This was one of the very few moments that he was grateful that he took his classes seriously back before his space center training and his training in the center.

"I'm coming Y/N."


You woke up with monitors beeping around you the room was dimmed, but the lights were still bright. You opened your eyes and saw Jimin sitting in a chair next to the bed, his head hanging as he slept, his arms folded in front of his chest.

The sight of Jimin only remaindered you that Taehyung was gone. Tears streamed down your face as the doctor came into the room.

"Oh, you're awake.... Are you in pain?"

You nodded your head "yes" because your heart was becoming increasingly painful.

"Your heart is struggling. I would like to run some tests on you, is that alright?"

You turned your head away from the doctor. Knowing you had to be strong for the baby, but you couldn't think about raising your son alone.

"Alright well let's get you prep, and we'll start running some tests."

~Time skip~

The doctor came back, Jimin never leaving your side which was kind, but you wanted Taehyung and Jimin was just a reminder that Taehyung was gone, leaving you alone.

"Alright Ms. Kim, I have your test results, and your left ventricle is becoming dysfunctional and it's putting your heart in failure."

"Can you cure it?"

Jimin's voice was hopeful, but you didn't care now. You needed your time to grieve Taehyung.

"I can't. The official diagnosis is called broken heart syndrome. In the least extreme cases, the heart can fix the problem itself, but this is an extreme case. Where Ms. Kim is pregnant it's putting an even large strain on her heart and it's failing."

You looked at the doctor, red eyes, and tear-stained cheeks.

"Is there, a way to fix it?"

"Yes, there are surgical options, but in your conditions, it's not safe. We would have to induce you and risk your baby's life."

"Then no. This baby's life is far more important than my own."


"No... if I'm meant to sacrifice my life for my son then I will."

"I will not be having the surgery."

A World AwayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin