Gravity of Time

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"Her heart is failing we need to get her into surgery!"

Jimin watched as Y/N was rushed away, leaving him with HaYun. Y/N's last words scared him. He was single and being left with the son of his dead best friend.

It felt like an eternity waiting for the doctors to finally give him an update, as he waited in her room with HaYun fast asleep in his arms.

"How is she?"

"I'm sorry for your loss, but Y/N did not survive the surgery."

~Time Skip~

It had been a couple of years since the death of Y/N. Jimin had kept his promise taking in HaYun and raising him for Y/N and Taehyung. The young boy becoming an orphan only hours after his birth. Every few months Jimin would open his video camera and make a journal entry for HaYun when he looked back. Jimin had explained the death of both his parents unaware that someone was watching.


When Taehyung finally got his communications up and running so he could receive messages from Earth but couldn't send his own. Videos from Y/N began rolling in and some from Jimin.

Video 1:

"Hey Tae, I went to the doctor's again today, and we are going to have a sweet little boy. We're having a son!"

She fell silent looking away from the camera, and visible tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I...I.... wish you were here....'s been so hard.... I.... I need you – I'm terrified I'm never going to see you again."

She quickly ended the video leaving Taehyung in shock.

I'm having a son.

Video 2:

"Taehyung, I know you're gone, but this just helps me feel better. It's only been a week since Jimin told me about the accident. I've been admitted to the hospital. My hearts having some trouble, so they're going to keep an eye on me until after the delivery – I've decided to name our son HaYun, just like you always wanted – and I hope he looks just like his appa."

Video 3:

"Hey, buddy – I know Y/N used to make these videos even though you were gone. When your pod shot off I... I know you have gone, but I hope every day that we'll be given a miracle – Y/N passed away last week. She went into her labor, but her heart gave out – You have a beautiful little boy, that Y/N has entrusted into my care."

She's gone?!

Taehyung looked at his calendar, but Y/N shouldn't have even gone into labor yet.

What is going on? Did she go into labor early?

"Well mate, may you find the peace in the sky that you couldn't quite find on Earth."

Video 4:

"Hey Dad, it's been twenty years since you and mom passed away. I haven't made these in a long time, but I went to your and mom's graves today, and... I miss you both... WHY?! – why couldn't you have stayed? – then I wouldn't have to be alone."

Taehyung's heart felt like it was being destroyed. His son was all grown up, as he cried, desperately wanting his parents.

"Pod landing in 5 minutes."

Taehyung looked out his window and saw the Earth coming into view. He finally understood what happened. The gravity of time in space was so dramatically different for him. To him, it had only been a few weeks, while on Earth it had been at least twenty years. 

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