Peace in the Sky

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It had been twenty-five years since the death of his parents. He decided to visit his parents' graves yearly to honor them. Jimin had come with him to honor his friends, but to support HaYun as well. HaYun had also brought his wife and daughter with him for the first time. As HaYun approached his parent's graves he noticed a man was kneeling in front of his mother's grave sobbing.

"Are you alright sir?"

His wife gently rested her hand on the man's shoulder. The man turned to look at them – HaYun's heart shoving against his chest walls. The man looked exactly like his father did.


Taehyung looked at the two men standing next to the woman and immediately recognized them as his son and Jimin, but they were older. Taehyung slowly rose to his feet, never taking his eyes of HaYun.


Jimin walked closer to him, his body had aged, but Taehyung could never forget this man's face.


Jimin immediately wrapped his arms around Taehyung's shoulder sobbing as he held onto him for dear life.

"You're dead, your pod..."

"I didn't die. My pod launched in the wrong direction. My comms was broken. I was only up there for a few weeks. Once I got my inbound comms working, I received all your videos. It's true Jimin – Time around Europa passes differently. The rumors are all true."

Taehyung gripped onto his friend until he remembered HaYun.


HaYun looked at him with large eyes, handing off the small child in his arms to the woman next to him.

"HaYun, this is your father."

HaYun's eyes filled with tears. For the first time in his life, he was able to see his father – he was no longer alone. Taehyung gingerly pulled his son into his arms. HaYun looked exactly like him, except he had Y/N's eyes.


Taehyung held onto his son, his heart grieving for all the time he had lost. HaYun pulled from his grip, giving him a gentle smile, before reaching for the small child again.

"This is Y/N– I named her after mom."

The small child looked exactly like Y/N did at the age. Taehyung smiled softly taking the child into his arms, looking at the gravestone where his soul mate would lie until he could greet her again.

"I hope you found the peace in the sky that you couldn't quite find on Earth."

It was the same phrase Jimin had told to him. Y/N had known Taehyung was restless and always looking for an adventure. This adventure was a much more costly one. 

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