The Ranch

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*Percy's POV*

I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't care. It was either to go with a complete stranger or go back to Gabe's beatings. I was defiantly not going for option two! Though, option one was just as bad but the stranger seemed like a nice guy. I knew that the stranger noticed my flinching's but I could not help it. Every time someone raises their hands or they touch me I flinch. It's worse with men. When you have lived with Gabe for years, those type of things happen to you.

It was midday when we reached our destination. I gaped at the site of it. Green fields littered the place, with freshly white painted fences that bordered them. The scent of hay and horse manure filled the area. A huge red stereotypical barn stood in the centre with an average blue farm house beside it. Horses of different breeds and colours were everywhere! The Black Stallion was one lucky horse! You tell all the horses here are well looked after, but why was the stallion full of scars? A voice interrupted my train of thought.

"Would you like to lead the stallion back to his stable?"

I looked up and saw the man who took me here. Every time I looked at him it was like I was looking in the mirror. It was weird but I shook it off. There must be a lot of people who look like me. Looking at him I nodded. I walk over to the horse. He snorted at first but when I gave him a reassuring pat on his face, he calmed down. The man gave me a shocked look before leading my away.

He led me into the barn. The stables there were made to fit a king. Everything was so clean and spotless that I could eat a blue cookie from the ground! Blue cookies... A tear slid down my face. I missed my mum. I missed her laugh, her smile, her cookies, everything about her I missed.

My grandma was a really nice person who did everything she could for her family and when she died I asked my mum, "Why do all the good people die?"

She gave me small smile and said "If you were to go into the garden and pick a some flowers which one would you chose?"

"The beautiful ones." After I said that I knew what she meant. It was the same with her.

I quickly wiped away the tear before anyone noticed it. The Black Stallion gave a small reassuring nudge. We reached his stall and I put the stallion in. I shut the gate and walked off. I only took five steps before the stallion poked his head out and neighed. I imagined what he was saying, Hey! Where are you going without me? I smiled to myself and continued the follow the man. (I really need to know his name!) We went into the farm house.

Everything inside of the house was either blue or green. With sea green walls, blue couches and green rugs. The only thing that wasn't either blue or green was the white carpet. But still it gave out a homey feel to me. A coughing sound caught my attention. The man had a stern look on his face. I backed up.

"Can I look at your arm?" He said.

Oh Styx! I forgot about my arm. With all the stuff going on I forgot about and now that I've remembered it's going to start hurting again! Trying to avoid questions I showed him my good arm.

"The other one."

What am I going to do now? All I could do was show him my arm. So I reluctantly lifted my left arm. He pulled back my sleeve and let out a small gasp. I look at it and then I knew why. It was red and puffy around it. The cut oozed out with puss. It was disgusting. The man sighed to himself before leaving the room.

Before my ADHD came out to get me the man returned with AID kit. He got to work, cleaning and bandaging my wound.

"Thank you Mr..."

"Olympus, but you can call me Poseidon." He told me.

Before I could stop what I was about to say, it slipped out.

"That's a weird name!" 

Ah curse you ADHD! But all he did was laugh and said, "Well I guess so, it is unique!"

All the sudden he went back to his serious composure.

"How did you get a wound like that? It looks like it was made by a knife!"

I gulped there was no way to explain it. But I couldn't tell him!

"Percy, are you abused at home?" He asked with a kind, gentle voice.

I can't tell him! If I tell anyone Gabe will kill me! I looked at Poseidon and opened my mouth...

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