Nameing The Beast

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*Percy's POV*

After our delicious breakfast Poseidon and I went out to the barn. I was busting to see the black stallion. We entered the red and white barn (seriously why is it always red and white? What can't it be blue and green?) I ran to the last stall. I looked inside and saw the stallion. He nickered to me and come up to the front of the stall. I petted his soft muzzle.
The stallion pinned his ears back. I turn to see Poseidon right behind me. The black stallion snorted unhappily and poured at the ground.
"Hey Poseidon can you take a few steps back," I asked.
He did and the stallion settled down a bit. The black stallion was practically prancing up and down with energy.
"Can we take him outside into one of the paddocks?" I begged Poseidon.
"I don't think-"
"He will be good and if he gets out I'll catch him!" I told him giving him my best baby seal eyes.
Poseidon sighed, "Ok but if he does anything wrong his going back in the stall. Got it?"
"He'll be good, won't ya boy?" The black stallion nodded his head.
"See? He even said he'll be good." I told Poseidon, grabbing a halter. I put the halter on the stallion and clicked the lead rope on.
"Make sure that you and anyone else stays away from him and I'll think he will be fine." I told Poseidon.
I led the black stallion out of the stall. He was shaking with excitement. As I led him around people where giving us weird looks. Poseidon took me and the stallion to a paddock and I led him in and then I took the halter off. With that, he was gone in a flash. He bolted around, bucked and reared. The black stallion could have been an acrobat. He found a sandy patch and dropped to the ground and rolled. Poseidon and I watched the stallion have fun.
"Well what are you going to call him?" Poseidon asked me.
"What? Why? He isn't my horse, his yours! Doesn't he already have a name?" I stuttered.
"No actually he doesn't have a name. We just call him the black stallion. He was a rescue horse, his last owner overworked him and he didn't really get fed or given any water. The owner also nearly beaten him to death." Poseidon told me.
"What! That just plain cruel!" I shouted. I was angry how could someone do that to a horse?
"Yeah I know. After that no one could get near him without getting injured. Well until you came. You're the only one who he lets touch him. That probably why everyone is staring at you." Wow I felt loved.
"I was about to give up on him, but now that you have come we might be able to get him back on track."
"But how? I don't live here and if I go back to Gabe, his not going to let me come here." I sighed.
"Well you could live here and if the Social Workers find out, I'll just adopt you." He said casually.
My face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really? But why would you do that for me?"
Poseidon turned to face me, "Percy, you're a good kid who has a bright future ahead of you and I will never let you go back to the man who hurt you."
I stared at him, shocked. It was nice to see that someone care about me.
"So going back to the original question, what are you going to name him? You more right to then anyone else, you the only one he likes."

I raked though my brain for names. Jimmy, Aztec, Midnight, Blackie, Bob. None of them seemed to fit.

Then I remembered when mum and I were happiest was when Gabe went on one of his Blackjack trips. Even though Gabe was out there spending all the money mum owned, we still go to do whatever we wanted. We would have fun and wouldn't be scared that Gabe will yell at us. Sometimes when he left, we would go to Montauk beach.
I loved those trips. I loved playing in the ocean and making sand castles with mum. Mum told me that Montauk beach was the place her and my dad met. All those good memories were made because of Blackjack. So that's what I'm going to call the black stallion. We were both are going to start new and happy memories together.
"I'm going to call him Blackjack." I told Poseidon. Blackjack neighed and nodded his head.
"Well it seems that he likes it," Poseidon said with an amused voice.

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