The Ties With Sally Jackson

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*Poseidon's POV*

After unloading the new addition to the farm, I went back to help Percy with the office. I walked into the office to see Percy holding a photo frame. It was a picture of me and Sally at Montauk beach. Percy was swaying on his feet.

"Your alright?" I asked concerned.

"Why do you have a picture of my mum?" Percy asked.

He fell and hit the ground. I was too shocked to catch him in time. Sally was his mum?! I couldn't ponder this now, I need to get Percy to hospital. ASAP. I quickly called 911.

It was about ten minutes before the ambulance officers reached the house. They put him on the stretcher and carted him into the ambulance. I joined him and we left to go to the hospital. When we got there, they took Percy away and the nurses made me wait in the waiting room. It was a good hour before a doctor came and addressed me.

"Are you Poseidon?"

"Yes. How is Percy?"

"Percy's temperature was 104 F. We gave him some antibiotics to help with the infection. He should be alright by the morning."

I let go my breath that I didn't even know I was holding. His going to be ok.

"I have I was question for you." The doctor told me. I gave him a nod.

"On Percy's body we saw numerous cuts and bruises on his body. We also saw the deep gash on his arm, it was the cause of the infection. But what we like to know is that do you know if Percy was abused?"

I sighed and gave him a stiff nod.

"Do you know who did it?"

"It's was a guy named Gabe, I think that was his guardian," I told them truthfully.

He gave me a quick nod and left me with my thoughts. What are they going to do now? My thoughts were answered when two policeman entered the hospital. The doctor from before came up to them and led them away.

My thought played back to before Percy fainted. Sally is Percy's mother?! Who is his father? He looks around twelve. Realization hit me like a truck. Sally was pregnant with our child when she left me and that's was twelve years ago. Holly Hades. Percy. Is. My. Son. I was about to freak out but then the police officers came up to me.

*Percy's POV*

I felt like I've been run over by a herd of Centaurs. My head was all over the place. Bright lights blinded me. Everything was white. Wait I am dead?! I heard voices but they were muffled. I felt something pierced my skin. My world turned black again.

*Hestia's POV*

I heard shouting in the waiting room. I went over to see what the commotion was about. What I didn't expect to see was my idiot of a brother Poseidon shouting at police officers.

"You can't send him to a foster home!" Poseidon shouted angrily.

"Yes we can, we have the right too. Since you have failed to send us a message about Percy, you can't foster care him or adopt him." A police offers calmly replied.

"I HAVE THE RIGHT AS HIS FATHER!" Wait Percy's dad? I knew it! They were too alike not to be.

"How can you be his father? He was lost at sea according to Sally."

Sally is Percy mother? Sally broke Poseidon's heart many years ago. He was terribly in love with her. I never knew she was pregnant.

"Twelve years ago Sally and I got into a fight, she left me and since then she has never talked to me." Poseidon voice cracked when he told the officers.

"Poseidon, are you aware that Sally died six years ago." One of police men told him gently.

Poseidon fell back into his chair and buried his head in his hands. I raced up to him and gave him a hug. He was softy crying on my shoulder.

"She's gone."

*Poseidon's POV*

Today's been one heck of a day first Percy faints and is race too hospital. Second, I found out that Percy was my son that I thought I would never see and now the Police Officers are telling that they are sending Percy to a foster home.

"You can't send him to a foster home!" I shouted angrily.

"Yes we can, we have the right too. Since you have failed to send us a message about Percy, you can't foster care him or adopt him." A police offers calmly replied. I finally reached my breaking point.


"How can you be Percy's father? He was lost at sea according to Sally."

I was upset. Was that what Sally told everyone? She didn't even called to tell me when my own child was born. I always thought there was a false delivery.

"Twelve years ago Sally and I got into a fight, she left me and since then she has never talked to me." My voice cracked at the end.

"Poseidon, are you aware that Sally died six years ago."

My heart shattered into millions of pieces. I stumbled back into the chair. My head felled into my hands. I barely noticed Hestia's warm embrace, as she tried to comfort me. I turned into her shoulder and cried. My cheeks were stained with tears. Percy did say his mother died. I just didn't know it was Sally.

"She's gone." I whispered.

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