The Check Up

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*Poseidon's POV*

"Why is there a boy in one of your spare bedrooms?" Hestia asked in a demanding tone.
"Er um we will get too that later..." I muttered.
"The boy has a large cut on his arm."
"How did he get it?" she asked with a softer tone.
"Percy will tell you when he gets up," I told her.
"That's his name?"
I nodded and went back down stairs. We sat down and I made coffee for the both of us. While we were drinking our coffee, Hestia kept on staring at me. I finished my coffee and got up and put it in the stink. I leaned against the bench and turned to face her.
"What is there something on my face?" I asked her in an amused voice.
"No it's just that he looks a lot like you."
Now it was my turn to be dumb.
"The boy you idiot! He looks just like you!" She exclaimed.
"No we don't."
Hestia facepamed.
"Okay, so we have some similar features but that's it. Come on I'll take you to the other guess room, I was going to get you to check up on the kids wound but he fell asleep and he looked like he could go for a goodnights sleep."
Hestia sighed but didn't complained. She followed me to the guess room. After I helped her settled down, I went to my room and as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.


"How in Hades did you get here!"
I was confused to see Hestia making her famous d bacon and egg muffins (everything she cooked was delicious!)
"Don't you remember? You invited me over so I check out the boys wound."
"No Percy you idiot!"
Memories started to flood back in.
"I really do have a memory of a golden fish." I muttered to myself
"Yes you do." Ah crap she heard me.
Hestia finished cooking the muffins. I pinched one of them and started woofing it down. Just as I was about to steal another one, Percy came down stairs. He was rubbing one his eyes with his hand. He looked confused.
"Where am I?"
"Don't you remembered buddy?"
He held up the 'wait' sign with his hand. Percy's face scrunched up with concentration. His face lit up like a Christmas tree when he figured it out.
"Ah, ok now I remember!" He said as continued his way I into the kitchen. He had all of his focus on the food so he didn't see Hestia watching him. He grabbed a muffin and ate it. Hestia was looking at him then at me. She kept on doing that, it was like she was watching a ping pong match. She finally stopped and said,
"Well aren't you going to introduce yourself?"
Percy was startled by the new voice and jumped and fell off the chair. I was failing to suppress my laughter. Percy was confused at first but then started to himself laughing so that's when I lost it. Both of us were rolling on the ground crying. Hestia was chucking at our antics. We finally calmed down and sat back into our seats.
"Um sorry I didn't see you there before. My name is Percy Jackson by the way," Percy held his hand out to Hestia.
"And I'm Hestia, I'm this idiots sister," she saying pointing to me then shook his hand.
I gasped and put my hands over my chest, "that hurt sis, right here," I say pointing my heart.
"Well cry, make a river and a bridge then get over it" Wow I didn't know Hestia had Sass. Percy grabbed a pen that was beside him and started to use it as a microphone.
"So how does it feel it to sassed by your sister?" He points it to me.
"I feel like I been shot in the heart!" I say fake cried.
Percy laughed again. It was good to see that he had loosened up a bit. He's a really funny kid.
"Well I've got to start work soon but before we go I need to check that arm of yours," Hestia told Percy.
He nodded and lifted the sleeve of his shirt. She gasped about bit but got to work anyway. It only took her five minutes before she was finished.
"Well that's the best I can do for now but if it get any worse you need to go to the hospital. You need to re-bandage it every day and make sure it stays clean. Got it?"
We nodded.
"Well I better get to work I'll see you guys soon bye.
"Cya Hestia!"
"Bye sis"
Once she left we both ate all the muffins.

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