The Ride of a Lifetime

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*Percy's POV*

Dinner was quiet. All you could hear was the knives and forks hitting against the plate. Poseidon tried to make small talk between Triton and I but the conversation were awkward and didn't last long. Once dinner was finished Triton went straight to his room and I left to go see Blackjack.

As soon as Blackjack saw me, he nicked and started prancing around in his stall. I petted his nose, smoothing him and let started to settled. I gave him a doughnut that I got from the kitchen and fed it too him. I grabbed a brush form the tack shed and started to brush Blackjack while he was in his stall.

Brushing Blackjack helped me forget the awkward dinner I had before and made me feel relaxed. Actually anything to do with horses made me feel relaxed, working horse to cleaning out their stalls, all of the jobs and me feel calm. I feel more at home with horses than with people.

Once I had finished brushing Blackjack, I put on his cotton rug on and closed the stall door behind me. I gave Blackjack one more pat before telling him goodnight, after that I went back inside the house. I saw Poseidon was still cleaning up from dinner so I went over and helped him. We worked in silence. Once the kitchen was spick and span, I said goodnight to Poseidon goodnight and went to bed.


Before Triton got up, I scoffed down breakfast and ran to the barn. I know I should at least say good morning to Triton but that would mean I would have to have breakfast with him and I don't want a repeat of last night.

The early morning air was cool and crisp, the cold slight stung my cheeks. But that wouldn't last long because as that day wore on the temperature would raise drastically. I fed all of the horses (of course Blackjack was first) and mucked out their stalls. I started at seven o'clock and finished at eight, it would have taken longer if it wasn't for Poseidon's stable hands.

Speaking of stable hands, over the weeks of living here I had become friends with one of the youngest stable hands. His name was Grover and he loved nature. He always wore a hoodie, long pants and a rasta cap. He had tanned skin, messy brown hair and brown eyes. He also has a small limp, but you can't tell he has one when he is running after enchiladas. I was brushing Blackjack when Grover walked up to me.

"Hey Perce, what's up?"

"The roof G-man," I sassed back.

"Ha-ha very funny Perce," he replied.

I have him a lopsided grin. Grover was one of my first friends. I didn't have any at school because I always got in trouble even if it wasn't my fault. I also got tease because of my bruises, I hate bullies. I always would help someone if they got teased, even if it got me into trouble. Also I had this teacher who always picked on me, like come on, I'm a student leave me alone. I loathed Mrs. Dodds.

"So Perce you think Posiedon gonna let you ride Blackjack?" asked Grover.

"I asked him last night. He said I could," I informed him.

Grover's jaw dropped, "He said that? I mean Blackjack has gotten better since you had him, but he still is wild. What if you get hurt?"

"I at least got to give it a chance. Everyone deserves a chance even horses. It's not his fault that he was abused and that he didn't have anyone to love him," I shot back.

Grover flinched, I immediately felt guilty.

"I'm sorry Grover, it's just I know what he feels like," I apologised.

Grover nodded understanding. He was one of the few that I told, but unlike Poseidon and Hestia I told him the whole story. I didn't know why I did but I felt like we had a connection. Not those love connections but a true friendship one. He always knew what I was feeling and I could always tell what he was feeling.

"Well Percy are you gonna ride Blackjack today or what?" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around and saw Poseidon standing there smiling at me. Behind him was Triton, I inwardly groaned. No I didn't hate Triton, I just disliked him and I believe the feeling is neutral. He reminded me of the rich stuck up bullies at school. Poseidon noticing the tension between us, decided to change the situation.

"Well let get on with this, shall we?"


"You don't like Poseidon's son?" whispered Grover.

I didn't say anything and continue to tack up Blackjack. Triton was leaning against the barn, seeming to be deep in thought. Poseidon was quietly stroking Destiny's muzzle, he too was in deep thought.

"Well you shouldn't hate him, he is a really nice guy, has a quick temper though," whispered Grover.

"I don't hate him, I dislike him," I muttered.

I finished tacking Blackjack up and led him out of the barn, Grover was by my side and Triton and Poseidon were following behind us. I led Blackjack into the around yard and closed the gate behind us. Before getting on I check if the girth was tight. Once it was done I slowly lifted my foot into the stirrup.

I was nervous as all hell. I've never ridden before in my life (like I had the chance). What if Blackjack did decide to play up and fall off? I barely would stay on if he trotted off let alone if he reared. With my little knowledge or ridding (it was extremely small), I knew balance was a requirement. Just me, I'm as clumsy as Bambi on ice.

I swallowed the lump that was caught in my throat and gathered up my courage.

I pulled myself up.

I had my eyes closed the entire time but when I felt that Blackjack didn't move, I slowly opened them. I saw Blackjack had turned his head towards me and looked at me as if saying, what are you doing back there? I sighed in relief and patted his neck before gently placing myself onto the saddle. Blackjack snorted and pricked his ears forward. I put my foot in the other stirrup. I looked up and saw Grover giving me the thumbs up, Poseidon was smiling and Triton looked utterly shocked.

A smiled crept up onto my face. I gave Blackjack another pat. Then I gave Blackjack a small squeeze.

That's when all Hades broke loose.

Blackjack reared up and then started to bolt around the pen. Terror weld up in me. I was going to fall off and died. This is the day Percy Jackson dies. I could hardly contain my scream. I wrapped my arms around Blackjacks neck and closed my eyes. What felt like ages I started to realise that if I didn't do anything Blackjack won't stop. I opened my eyes and saw something that pulled me into gear. Blackjacks eyes were filled with terror. I didn't know why, I was the one hanging on for dear life but then it hit me. I remembered what Poseidon had told me the first time I came here with Blackjack.

'He was a rescue horse, his last owner overworked him and he didn't really get fed or given any water. The owner also nearly beaten him to death.'

How much of a Kelp Head could I get? The last time he was ridden he was probably whipped and was terrified out of his mind.

And like it was second nature I sat deeply in the saddle and said calm and reassuring words to Blackjack. I stopped being terrified and calmly sat in the saddle. I remembered that horses can feel your emotions, so if I remained calm slowly Blackjack will feel it and know that I mean no harm. In a soothing voice told Blackjack that he was a good boy and that I wouldn't hurt him. Slowly the whites of Blackjacks eyes disappeared and he slowed his gait. Soon, he came to a complete halt.

I let out a deep breath and stroked Blackjack's neck. He snorted, his breath was heaving. Poseidon was going to open the gate but I shake my head at him. He looked worried but did what I said. Blackjack had gained his breath back and flicked his ear back at me, not the way that horses do to tell someone to go away, instead he was listening to me. I decided not to use my leg as an aid but instead used my voice.

I clicked my tongue and Blackjack moved forward into a marching walk. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and started too relaxed. After a couple of laps of walking I gained come confidence and asked Blackjack to trot. He went into it with no worries, every movement was fluid and smooth. I started to feel comfortable with Blackjack so I decided to step it up a notch, I asked for a canter. It was wonderful, it felt like me and Blackjack were one. I smiled and started to laugh and for the first time in forever, I felt free.


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