Emotional Rollercoaster

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*Poseidon's POV*

I heard screaming and people shouting. I instantly ran to Percy's room. What I saw made me beyond pissed. A man had he's hands wrapped around Percy's neck, squeezing the life out of him. My vision went blood red.

I lunged at the man and ripped him away from Percy. I turned his head around. It was the same guy with the pig face. Gabe. I was beyond pissed. He had abused Percy his whole life and now he was going to pay. Pulled my arm back, then punched his face.


My fist collided with his nose. Crimson blood splatter everywhere. I continued to punch the daylights out of him. I didn't stop. I just kept on punching him, thinking about what he did to Percy. Finally the police officers pull me off of him.

Gabe was messed up. Blood was everywhere. On his face, clothes and on the floor. His nose looked broken and he was missing some teeth. A black eye was forming. Even though I did this to him, I didn't regret it. Not one bit.

The doctor ran to Percy. He did a quick check up on him. He turned to face me.

"He going to be fine, he just passed out. The doctors will keep a close eye on him until he wakes up. You'll be the first one on be notified Mr. Olympus."

I nodded at the doctor and thanked him. Hestia then led me towards the waiting room. I tried to refuse but then Hestia said I wouldn't be much help if I was in the way of the doctors. That was the only thing that convinced me to go back into the waiting room.

I was in the waiting room. Again. Stupid waiting room. If I wasn't in the waiting room, I would have been able to stop Gabe's attempted murder on Percy. I sighed and slid down onto the cold, hard ground. I rested head on my hands.


I felt someone pushing me. I slowly opened my eyes and in my blurred vision I saw a faint outline of a person. I rubbed my eyes and woke myself up. The person from before turned out to be Hestia.

"Percy's awake," she told me.

I jumped up and with Hestia, we went into Percy's room. It as a typical patient's room, nearly everything was white. Percy was lying on the bed and was tapping his finger on his leg. He saw me and smiled.

"When can I get out? I'm dying of boredom here."

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