ii. showmance

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"MR. SCHUE WANTS YOU guys to disco at the assembly?" Hunter asked with a raised eyebrow, as he sat with Tina, Artie, Mercedes and Kurt in the cafeteria.

"Yep." Kurt frowned, moving the food around his tray with a plastic fork.

"Have fun with that." Hunter chuckled.

"There you all are," An obnoxious voice said, making the group turn to see Rachel Berry walking up to them, the brunette freezing when she saw Hunter, "Hi," She grinned, before snapping her head back to the rest of her club, "Glee Club meeting in the gym. Now."

The four Glee Club members sighed, standing up begrudgingly.

"See ya, Hunter."

"Bye, Hunter."

"Bye, guys."

Rachel then smiled at Hunter again, "Bye." She said, before walking away.

Turning to Mercedes - who was still there - Hunter asked, "What was that?"

"You kinda look like Finn." The girl shrugged, before walking away, leaving Hunter still confused.

The entire student body were sitting in the stands of the gym and Principle Figgins stood at a microphone in front of the stage.

"Hey." Katie grinned at Hunter, sitting in the empty seat next to him.

"Hey." The boy smiled back.

"Silence, children," The Principle ordered, hushing the crowd, "Silence. First, an announcement. The toilets are broken again. We are fixing the problem. But let me warn you. There will be zero tolerance for anyone soiling school grounds. We're not going to have a repeat of the last time. We have a treat for you guys today. Mr. Schuester."

Miss. Pillsbury was the only one who clapped, "Yay, Glee! Glee kids, hooray!"

Katie leaned towards Hunter, whispering, "She totally has a crush on Schue."

The boy's eyebrows shot up, "Really."

The blonde girl nodded, "Oh yeah."

"Uh, hi," Mr. Schue said into the microphone, "Uh, when I went to school here, Glee Club ruled this place. And we're on our way back. But we need some recruits to join the party. Now, I can tell you all about how great Glee is, but, uh, I think I'm gonna let some friends of mine show you instead."

The Spanish teacher sat down in the stands and the Glee Club began their performance.

Hunters eyes widened, "That is not disco."

[ push it, performed by the new directions ]

Elizabeth chuckled as Hunter explained the events of the past week to her.

"It seems like Mercedes and the Glee Club are causing quite the stir."

Hunter chuckled, "Yeah. Now they're only allowed to sing about God or balloons."

Elizabeth made a face, "That's not fun."

The pair laughed, as Elizabeth studied her son's face, making his eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.


"You know how you said that you didn't want to join because it wasn't your thing?"

"Yeah." Hunter nodded.

"Are you sure?"

"What do you mean?" Hunter wondered.

"You and father have that same look in your eyes when you want to do something," Elizabeth told the boy, gently stroking his hand in hers, "Even when you don't know that you want to do something."

"You think I want to join Glee Club?"

"You do have the voice of an angel." Elizabeth said with a smile.

Hunter scoffed, "I'm nowhere near as good as you and Dad."

Elizabeth tapped the back of his hand with her pointer finger, "That's not true. Just, promise me you'll think about it."

Hunter kissed his mother's hand, "I'll think about it. I promise."

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