Chapter 1

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It's the first day of high school and Im nervous as shit. I'm hoping everything goes fine. I began to get ready i take a quick shower,blow dry my long light brown hair, then curl it so it looks wavy, I put on my white long sleeve crop top, black skinny jeans, my nike windbreaker , and then my black and white Nikes SBs . I add a little mascara, thin line of eyeliner around my hazel eyes and apply my Maybeline baby lips.
"Joanna hurry up" my Mom calls from the kitchen. I tell her I'm almost done and double check I have everything I need. I grab my phone and skateboard. I quickly eat my breakfast not wanting to be late and bid my mom goodbye.

As I skate to school I feel people staring at me as I pass by them. I start to skate faster to get farther away,Behind me I hear the sound of someone skating. I look back to see if it's some one I might know but I don't recognize the boy. As I was being distracted by trying to see if I recognized the boy i came in contact with a skate stopper (a small pebble) and fell off my board
"Fuck" I muttered under my breath and got up quickly and checked if I had gotten my clothes dirty
"Hey boo are you okay" the boy who was skating behind me asked. I suddenly felt embarrassed and began to feel my cheeks heat up
"Umm yea it was just a dumb ass stopper thanks" I said.
"Ohh I hate those" he bent down to pick up the small pebble which caused me to fall and threw it to the street.
I began to walk and so did the boy
"So you skate ?" He asked
"Didn't you just see me skating" I laughed.
"I mean are you a skater or you just like cruise ?"
"I'm a skater what about you ?"
"Cool and I'm Skater too"
"Cool" I said with a small smile.
I was starting to realize how cute this guy was.
We got back on our boards and skated too school. As we got to the gates I gave him a small wave and went to go find my class or someone I knew. I seen my friend Melissa and gave her a hug we checked each others schedules and we had 3rd and 4th period together. I told her about the boy I met this morning and realized I didn't ask for his name. When the bell rang I said a quick bye and went to go look for my class the school was big it had 3 floors and the room numbers were weird. I finally found my class and scanned the room to see if I recognize anyone. I didn't see anyone I know so I took a seat in the middle row there was an empty seat next to me and I was hoping someone I knew would come in late so they could sit next to me. When the classroom door opened again I saw it was the skater boy from the morning he gave me a smile and took the seat next to me.
"Hey skater girl" he said
"Hey skater boy" I replied with a small laugh.
The late bell rang and so the teacher started speaking.
"Welcome students hope you all had a great summer. I'm your English teacher Mr. Castillo. Just to clarify real quick everyone here is a freshman correct?"
The class all mumbled a yes.
"Great! So are you guys excited about high school"
There were a few No's and Yes's
"Well to start off this class I'm going to hand out your syllabus and then give your first assignment which I think will be fun"
The teacher passed out the syllabus and went over it quickly. Then started to explain the assignment.
"Okay class so your first assignment will be to interview the person next to you" I look over at the skater boy and he smiled. "Write up 15 questions to ask your partner and then write it as a biography and guys really put some thought into the questions it'll be due by Wednesday. Now pair up and talk with your partner I'll be taking roll in the meantime."

"So skater girl what's your name ?" The boy asked.
"Joanna what's yours ?"
"Steven, can I see your board." He said with his cute smile
"Umm yea can I see yours" I said shyly.
We passed each other our boards and I noticed our decks were similar.
"nice setup , Primitive Prod golden eagle deck, Thunder trunks, Spitfire wheels,grizzly grip tape, and Redz bearings." I said confidently.
"You know your stuff and your set up isn't bad either. Primitive Nick Tucker wolf board, Venture trunks, spitfire wheels, and Shake Junt grip tape, and Redz bearing.
For the rest of the class period me and Steven just talked about skating and pro skaters. And I could feel myself starting to like him. Shit.
The rest of the day went by fast I liked my classes already and I also had Steven for 3 classes he was so cute I told Mel and Lily about him and Mel told us about the boy she met in 5th period. We all said our goodbyes and I went with my guy friends who I walked home with. They were talking about girls of course and saying stupid funny things. My friend Jose then drew the attention to me and asked "So any guys Jo or you're sticking to your whole 'my skateboard is my bae'"
"Shut up Jose" I rolled my eyes playfully. I didn't really want to tell them about who I liked cause they will most likely find him and tell him.
"I'm just kidding Jo but seriously any guys"
"Nope" I said with a chuckle which made it obvious I was lying.
"Hey Joanna" I heard someone call.
I turned and saw Steven walking by board in his hand.
I gave him a small wave and smiled looked down before he or anyone saw me blush.
"Awww guys look Joanna's blushing" Jose said to the guys.
"Ooo Jo you got a boyfriend how cute"
"Shut up come on guys lets get going" I said laughing.
I'm thankful the boys didn't bring up Steven anymore after that. The first day of school was a success and I hope the rest of the year goes as smooth as today.

Hey so this is my steven fanfic and i hope you all like it im not that good but here goes nothing

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