Chapter 2

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Today was the second day of school, I awoke to the sound of my annoying alarm clock and began my daily routine. Wash face, brush teeth, brush hair, and then put on today's clothes.
Today I was wearing wearing a black pleated tennis skirt, white shirt that said Fuck off in Chinese, and my white knee socks with my black Converse. I checked my phone for the time and saw it was 7:15 I still had time for breakfast so I headed downstairs and decided on making oatmeal and added some blueberries and strawberries with some chai tea I quickly ate it and made some coffee for when my mom wakes up. I grabbed my phone skateboard and backpack and headed for school. Maybe I'll see Steven again on my way there. As i was skating i saw my friend Dean i stopped next to him.
"Wassup ma boy" I said with a small laugh
He just silently laughed shaking his head.
We started walking in a comfortable silence both of us on our phones I was currently texting Melissa

Meli :
Gm ((:
Me :
Gm wyd <3
Meli :
eating breakfast, are you walking already ??
Yaa im with dean ill see ya at school (:

"So Jo where's your lil boyfriend at" dean said with a smirk looking up from his phone.
"What boyfriend ?" I asked as if i didn't know who he was talking about.
"You know that I'm talking about Steven "
"Ohhh him, wait how do you know his name" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.
"I watch his videos sometimes"
"What videos"
"You seriously don't know"
I shook my head saying no
"Well he post videos on youtube they're pretty funny or in some videos he just skates but he's known by the name baby scumbag he's cool I guess"
"And so he's like known by people then"
"Yeaa and by lots of girls so you better handle before other girls do"
"chill Dean he's just a friend"
"That's how it all start kiddo" he said with a smirk.
We finally reached the school gates and started to look for our friends since we still had about 10 minutes before class started. We finally found them by the cafeteria and we all greeted each other with that normal guy hand shake considering they were all guys. The all started talking about some girl and wondering whether or not she was a hoe I just laughed at them and decided to text Mel

To Mel:
Are you here yet /:
No I think I'm gonna be late
To Mel:
Mmmm pues smh girl
Hey!! I eat slow okaay
To Mel:
Ik,Ik lol
I put my phone back in my pocket and started playing with the wheels on my board completely zoning out the boys' conversation. I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned to see Steven standing there with a shy smile on his face.
"Hey Steven" I greeted.
"Aye look it's baby scumbag" I hear Dean say from behind me. I look back and glare at him.
Steven just nodded to him with a smirk then turned to look at me.
"So Jo you know that assignment we have ?"
"Yeaa what about it" I asked nervous he didn't work on it.
"Well I wanted to see if you were okay with the questions I wrote like make sure it's nothing to personal" he said handing me a notebook where I assumed the questions were written.
Aww how nice of him
"Umm wow thanks" I smiled
I looked over the questions none of them really seemed to be too personal some actually made me want to laugh especially the last question which was "do you pray for the booty?"
I looked over to him shaking my head "Seriously Steven"
"Well do you?" He asked
"Duhh you gotta stay praying for the booty" I said rolling my eyes playfully.
We both laughed and began to walk to class since the bell had rang. As we got class and took our seats I remembered something.
"Sooo baby scumbag?" I asked questioningly.
"Umm Yeaaa" he said with a nervous laughs and rubbing the back of his neck.
"That's really cool I've always wanted to be like a Youtuber" I said with all honesty
"You should it's fun I guess" he said with another nervous smile. Teacher soon came in and began class and started talking about our project.
"Okay class today you will ask each other your questions so pair up and get started", Mr Castillo announced. I took out my notebook from my bag and so did Steven.
"Okay so who's gonna go first" I asked.
"I will boo", he smiled.
1) Whats your full name and age
- Joanna Franco Im 14 going to be 15.
2) Who do you live with and whats your race
- Just with my mom and I'm Mexican American.
3) What are your hobbies
- Skate every damn day, singing and reading.
4) how long have you been skating
- Not that long just about 7 months.
5) If you could have anything in life what would you wish for
- My grandma back.
6) Why would you wish that
- I just miss her soo much and want her to be with me again. Screw cancer.
7) Whats your favorite food and candy
- Sour Patch Kids, Chili cheese fries
8) Whats your favorite movie
- probably the fast and furious series
9) Whats the first memory that comes to your mind.
- one day I was with my cousins they were both boys and we were playing outside of our apartments and being bad then my cousin threw a broken cd he found on the floor at it his a car the was passing by and it was our neighbor so we ran up stairs to our house and my grandma was telling us the soup she made us was done but we just ran past her and hid under the bed the guy came knocking and told my grandma and she was kinda mad but then she put on a movie for us and we ate our soup.
10) do you pray for the booty
-Omg yess duhh
"Good answers" Steven said with a small laugh.
"Good questions let's start on yours-" The bell cut me off and we put our things away.
"How about I go over to your house after school so we can finish, is that okay." Steven asked.
"Yeaa, sure see you in 4th period." I smiled and walked to my next class.
(ima skip the rest of the classes cause it's just gonna be boring okay)
*4th period*
Me, Mel, and Lily were walking to the girls locker rooms since we had PE. We got to the lockers and started to change while talking about our previous classes which were just so boring. Once we were dressed we headed for the gym.
"Do you think were gonna actually do Pe today" Mel groaned.
"I don't know I hope not" I replied.
We sat down on the bleachers where our class was and Lily went with her class since she had a different teacher.
I started to play with the wheels on my skateboard and Melissa got on her phone while we waited for the teacher. Melissa started laughing and I looked over at her and just smiled "what happened". She showed me this funny picture and I started to laugh too I was too distracted to realize that Steven sat next me and started playing with the wheels on my skateboard. I turned to look at him," awww man you just had to sit next to me didn't you" I said playfully.
"Yup" he replied popping the "p".
I just rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone and began to scroll through Instagram. I stopped scrolling when I seen a picture of Steven posted with the caption #mce.
"Aww look Steven someone has you as their mce" I cooed showing him the picture.
"Yeaa I get that a lot" he smirked then grabbed my phone out of my hand.
"Heyy give me it"
"Hold up" he opened the camera app, "Let's take a picture Jo". I shrugged my shoulder and got closer to him so we both came out and we did this pose where our pinky, index finger, thumbs are up and the middle and ring fingers down (if that makes sense). With my phone still in his hand he put the iPhone Fade filter and posted it to Instagram with the caption "honey boo boos *honey jar emoji*".
"Can I have my phone back now" I asked
"Nope" he smirked
"Nope what do you me nope it's MY phone"
"Oh I'm sorry boo I meant to say nope I needa take more selfies"
I just rolled my eyes and began talking to Melissa.
"Cc as fuck", Meli smirked.
"Chill it's not even like that", I blushed
"Doesn't seem that way" she winked showing me the picture he just posted on my Instagram.
"He's just my friend"
"Sure..for now"
"Chill come on time to dress"
"Okay I need my phone back now Steven"
"Here Ya go" he said with a "innocent" smile telling me he did something on my phone.
"what did you do" I said accusingly.
"Nothing" dragging out the word.
I just shook my head and grabbed my board and walked with Mel back to the locker room.
As we dressed Lily told us that she was gonna go with her friend crystal during lunch we just shrugged and finished getting dressed. The bell rang and me and Melissa headed towards the cafeteria and we ended up meeting "squad". They were all laughing at something Dean said.
"Look at the tumblr kids" Jarred said drawing the attention to me and Melissa.
"Aww Jo they called us tumblr"
"Aww Thanks" I smiled.
The rest of the day went by pretty quick and soon I was waiting for Steven at the front gates with Melissa.
"Joanna you coming with us?" Jose asks
"Nahh I gotta work on an assignment with my friend so I'm walking with him."
"Ight later kiddos" we wave bye and they walk away
"Dude I'm so tired" Melissa says
"Same and hungry" I laughed.
"I think ima go home and I see Steven coming" she nods to where he's at.
"Alright then I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I gave her a hug.
"I'll text you later" she said as she walked away.
I felt something lightly hit my arm and saw it was a skateboard Steven's to be exact
"Ready to go" I asked.
"Yea are we gonna skate or walk"
"Skate of course" I got on my board and skated away Steven following me.

Okay so that's that I guess
Was that okay, I hope so

I'm really bad at this OML anyways please comment what you think and vote. Pleaasseee (yes I'm begging and I don't do that a lot)

One more thing follow me on Instagram
@L.c0n (it's with a zero not o)
Ily <3

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