Chapter 9

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"Readyy Set Go!" I shouted which started the race. We were currently in Walgreens and Steven and Fabian are racing on their skateboards down the aisles while grabbing as many items as they can while passing them and I'm following them on my board recording them. We get half way through the race until what I believe is the manager starts yelling at us.

"No skateboarding allowed in here!"

We of course disobey the man and and continue skating, the manager starts to chase us while screaming demands.Steven and fabian drop all the items they collected during the race,I pan the camera to the items real quick then we skate out of the store and continue skating till we're far enough to stop.

"" I say in between breaths.

"Very" Steven laughs breathlessly.

"That was a great idea mam" Fabian compliments me.

"Mam?" Steven asks confusingly at my brothers nickname for me.

"Yeaa he calls me mam" I giggle.

"Why" Steven furrows his eyebrows.

"This happens every time someone notices" I laugh "Anyways he calls me mam because when we were little we use to play house all the time and I would be the mom he would be my son and he just got stuck by calling me mam, it's weird I know but I'm used to the name and so is he" I explain and shrug.

"Ohhhh," Steven chuckles.

"Yeaa, Anyways what's our next scheme" I say changing the topic.

"How about we go sneak up on people that are walking and using their phones and just be in their business, nothing to risky we don't wanna get into too much trouble yet." Fabian thoughtfully said.

Steven and I agreed with him and so we got on our boards again and skated toward the downtown of our city, considering that's where most people are.

Steven started off first since Fabian said he was a professional at antics like this. So we filmed from a distance as Steven was following a brunette who was about the age of 17, she was currently texting and Steven went right by her side and said, "oooo who's Brad".

The girl looked at Steven weirdly and said, "umm who are you, Can I help you."

"I'm Steven and why are you texting Brad but not me" He looked at her questioningly.

"Because Brad is at least my height now excuse me" She snapped and walked away.

I started laughing and Steven came back with a neutral facial expression.

"Don't worry Steven at least you're taller than me" I said ruffling his hair.

He just held back a smile and shrugged his shoulders. He then started to hook up the mic to me and I handed him the camera it was now my turn to go bother someone. We started to wander around looking for the right people and Fabian spotted some guys around our age (not fabian's age) that were taking squad pics together. I began to creep up behind them right when they were about to take the picture and I squatted next to one of the guys a put up the peace signs, I stood there posing and they were all looking at me.

"Uhh what are you doing?" the one taking the picture asked.

"I wanna be in the picture too." I shrugged.

They guy raised his eyebrow to his friends like he was asking them something.

"Yeaa, sure, okay" The cute one said, they all started posing again and the actually took the picture with me.They asked for my Instagram so I gave them it and walked back to Steven and Fabian.

"Well was better than mine" Steven laughed.

"Yeaa but it wasn't that funny" I frowned.

Next Fabian sat next to a lady that was sitting on a bench and she was apparently on Instagram and he whispered in her ear "Follow me you won't regret it" the lady started laughing calling his adorable and she was going along with him and she did end up following him. We continued this joke with about 4 more people then we decided it was time for a more exciting prank.

We walked into one of the local supermarkets and got two shopping carts. one for Steven and Fabian and Another for me We were gonna run through the store pushing the carts as fast as we can while loudly singing "The wheels on the bus" but changing the word bus to cart. We eventually got kicked out and they said they were gonna ban us, oops.

The next thing we did was make a quick stop at home to pick up a pillow and a blanket and two backpacks with random stuff. We headed to the mall and decide on what store to enter I chose Barnes and Nobles because I set up a perfect plan. We got to Barnes and Nobles and I got a copy of a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, then we walked into the aisle with nonfiction I layer down the pillow and told Fabian to lay down then I covers him with the blanket and began to read to him sort of loudly.

"Ma'm what are you doing" An employee who's name tag read Fred asked.

"my brother he needs his nap and I'm reading to him" I nonchalantly.

"You cant do that here" Fred said.

"Please you don't understand he needs his nap and the only way he can sleep is if I read him this exact book" I begged

"Ma'm I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" he said.

Just then fabian started to  mumble incoherent things like a weirdo and Fred face filled with concern

"What is he doing" the panicked employee asked.

"You see this is what happens when he doesn't get his nap" I shrieked.

"There,there Timmy its okay." I cooed and picked up the book and started to read again.

"Okay fine you can stay but read more quietly" Fred mumbled.

As soon as Fred was out of earshot I started laughing and so did Fabian then Steven came out his hiding recording spot and started laughing as well.

The next pranks we did were little simple ones like sitting next to a random person and just start telling them our life story, telling someone to hold something really heavy so you can get something from a shelf then leave, then Steven went around a store screaming "everybody sucks except me". Today was an eventful day full of running and laughing and I'm glad Fabian came to visit I've missed him. Hopefully he starts coming around more often now.


and that was Fabian's visit hope you liked it I'm really bad at antics so it probably wasn't very funny or epic but yea there you go. There will be a lot of Jake in the next Chapter yay.

love you, vote and comment

xx leslie

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