Chapter 5

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"So do you want anything to drink or eat" I politely ask.

"Umm I'll have what your having" Steven bashfully replies.

I invited Steven over today since he's been acting a little down lately.

I served us some Arizona raspberry ice tea and made a bowl of popcorn.

"Here you go" I said passing him his beverage.

"Thanks" he mumbled.


  "So what do you wanna watch?" I ask on our way back to the living room.

"Whatever you wanna watch is fine" he politely offers.

We plop down on the couch and begin to scroll through Netflix.

"Wanna just watch Friends?" I suggest.

"Oh yeaa I love that show." He beams.

"Okay yay!" I smile.

We watch Friends for the rest of the evening till we finally realize that its 10:30.

"Shit it's late" Steven says shocked.

"Yea we sure can binge watch Friends" I laugh.

"Ugh i don't really feel like going home" He pouts

"I wish you could like sleepover" Wait what did I just say that might've sounded weird "I mean not you but like uh the whole group you know" 

" Yeaa that would be cool" Steven laughs "anyways uhh do you think your mom could give me a ride" 

"Yea ill go ask her" I say and begin to walk to her room.

When get back I see Steven looking at my family pictures that are on display. 

"She said yea she just needs to get ready." I announce.

"Oh ok thanks" he sweetly says

 "you have a little brother?" Steven asks curiously.

"Yea but he doesn't live with us" I say looking down "I miss him he doesn't visit much he's always too busy doing 'cool stuff' "

"Who does he live with, if you don't mind me asking you these questions" he sheepishly inquires while scratching the back of his neck.

"No I don't mind, and he lives with his dad well my dad too but I don't call him my dad anymore" I explain.

"Ohh, Um well from the looks of it you and your brother were close" He infers.

"Yea we were, he kind of reminds me of you well not you but baby scumbag if that makes sense he was funny and quite the troublemaker" I say with a sad smile remembering all the laughs we had.

"Sounds like my type of guy" Steven smirks.

"Oh believe me he is" I laugh softly "I wish you two would meet"

" You said he's too busy doing cool things what do you mean by that Jo" 

"Well his dad is wealthy and is always taking him to cool places and buying him everything and when ever we would invite him over he would always say he had to go to this place or go buy that or change plans last minute then after a few months he just stopped calling and he got a new phone so now we cant even call him but even if we did he would just ignore it" I tell him.

"Wow what a douche if you don't mind me saying. How old is he anyways?"

"He's 12 and I agree he is a douche" I nod.

"What a baby douchebag" Steven jokes which makes me smile.

My mom finally comes out of her room and asks us if were ready to go we tell her yes and we all get in the car and drive to Steven's house.

"Thanks for the ride Mrs.Franco" Steven politely dismisses himself 

"Your welcome sweetie and I told you it's Oliva not Mrs. Franco" My mom playfully scolds him.

"Right I forgot Thank you Oliva and bye Joanna thanks too."

"Later Stevo" I wave.

My mom waits till Steven enters his house to drive away.

When we get home I bid my mom goodnight and go to my restroom in room and begin my regular nighttime routine. Once I finish I lay down on my bed and begin to scroll through Netflix it takes me about 3 minutes till I finally decide on How I Met Your Mother. I have all my attention on the show until I hear my notification ringtone I pick my phone up to see that Aaron has started a group iMessage 


 Hey guys how was your Saturday

Me: Good (:, Hey we should all go somewhere together tomorrow.

Only Aaron and Melissa reply and agree one of us reply and wait till Steven and Jake reply. In the meantime I go on Instagram and see Steven had tagged me in a pic. I check to see what picture and I quietly laugh and shake my head when I see its an off guard picture of me watching Friends earlier today. It's captioned:

"Isn't she just awesome, today was great 😇"

I don't look bad in the picture but I wanted to get him back so I decide to post one of funny the pictures he had taken on my phone the other day in P.E in the picture he has the camera looking up at him and it looks like he has a double chin and his mouth is wide open in a smile ad eyebrows raised all the way up and I caption it:

"How attractive @StevenFernandezdoe"

Steven comments  a few seconds later 

"very attractive (; #mce"

"@StevenFernandezdoe Duhh lol"

 In the group chat Steven and Jake reply and both agree to hanging out tomorrow. All  of us suggest different ideas of what to do till we all finally  settle on the mall and movies. We all text until midnight about humorous topics making me laugh here and there. It isn't until Melissa mentions the time that we decide to turn in for the night since we're all gonna meet up for breakfast at my house before we head to the mall. After our goodnights I plug my phone into its charger and play some soft music and begin to drift off to sleep excited for what plans await tomorrow with my friends.


 I told you I'd have a chapter for you guys today (;

Well hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one will be up thursday and I think my writing schedule will be Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays 

And I don't want to nag but please don't forget to vote and comment especially comment I would love some feed back from you guys, it's so important that you vote and comment please and thank you babes.

  x Leslie 

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