Chapter 7

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It was Monday morning and Im getting ready for school. The memories from yesterday consume my thoughts, it was a great day honestly. Once I was done getting ready I bid my mom goodbye and make my way to Melissa's since I'm having breakfast at her house , I still haven't told her about last night.

After about 15 mins I finally arrived at her doorstep patiently waiting for her to open the door.

To Melissa: I'm here (:

Melissa: I'll go rn :)

Melissa opens the door as soon as I receive her text and greets me with a smile.

"So what happened yesterday that you didn't tell me" she asked as we walked into her kitchen.

"I think Jake was gonna ask me out " I mumbled. "Really, oh my god how do you know" She said with wide eyes.I told what had happened last night while we made ourselves some cereal and she agreed that it seemed as if he was gonna ask me out . "What would you have said if he did Jo" she asked excitedly. "I um I don't know honestly" I stated. "You really don't know" She questioned. "Nope, I'm gonna have to think about it" I said spooning some cereal into my mouth.

"Well tell me when you make up your mind" She laughed.

We finish our cereal in comfortable silence and when we finish we head to her bedroom to start putting on our make up which consisted of the same products as yesterday. When we finally finish we compliment each other and decide it's time to leave for school. As we walk to school Melissa is constantly smiling at her phone and begin to wonder if it's a guy texting her and why she hasn't mentioned him then again it's probably nothing. I begin to scroll through Instagram which bores me quickly I then receive a text from an unknown number.

XXX-XXX-XXXX: You Know Steven Fernandez!!!

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

ME: Who's this ?

XXX-XXX-XXXX: Fabian your brother.

My eyes widen. FABIAN, FABAIN TEXTED ME. I can't believe it.


Fabian: I was on his IG stalking him and I seen pictures he posted with some girl and turns out is was you. how'd you meet him??

ME: Ohh lol and I met him at school he's a close friend of mine. How do you know about him.

Fabian: Sick ass foo and I'm like his fan kinda I guess, Do you think I could meet him xP

Fabian's coming omg He's just using me to get to Steven but still I'll finally be able to see him again awwww.

ME: Yeaa I'll ask Steven right now when I get to school.

Fabian: Okay, cool and tell him I said hi and tell mom I miss her. I gtg bye.

I assured him I would and told him i'd message him later. Melissa and I finally reached the school gates and on our way to class I told her how my brother texted me she didn't like how he was using me but she said she was glad to see him again soon. We then bid each other goodbye and walked into separate hallways. I walked into class and saw Steven sitting in his usual seat talking with some girl Abigail I think her name was, I wanted to tell Steven about my brother but decided to let him carry on his conversation. I just sat in my seat using my phone until the teacher began class which didn't take that long. Class was pretty boring today because we had free time and Steven was too busy talking Abigail which bothered me a bit. I just plugged in my earphones, pressed play, and put my head down which evolved into a nap. What felt like 15 minutes ended up being 51 minutes till I finally awoke to someone lightly shaking my shoulder. I looked up to see it's Steven waking me from my slumber and the class is empty, quickly stretch and comb my fingers through my hair to fix it. I thank Steven for waking me up grab my bag and walk out of the class with Steven behind following me.

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