Chapter 11

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I stood there in a state of complete shock. My mind finally catching up with Steven's words and actions. He likes me, this had me absolutely astonished first Jake asks me out now Steven is here confessing his feeling for me. I was currently torn between who I like more.

"Jo say something please" Steven winced.

I snapped out of my thoughts and recollected myself.

"Steven I don't know what to tell you honestly." I admitted.

"You don't feel the same way huh?" He asked.

"No it's not that its just I don't know how I really feel towards you" I looked at him with sincerity.

"I'll give you some time then to figure out your feelings." He said pressing his lips into a straight line.

"Thanks Steve-o" I looked down.

"I'm sorry about just bursting in here, that was wrong." he apologized.

I nodded as a sign that it was okay.

"Well, I'm gonna go now" He awkwardly stated.

"Yeaa, I'll see you tomorrow" I said with a small smile.

He walked towards the door but stopped midway.

"Can we also not talk about the kiss" He asked.

"Yeaa that's a good idea" I smirked

"Just so things don't get awkward between us" He explained.

"Yeaa I know" I assured him.

He bid me goodbye and left.

I plopped down onto the couch and just stared at the blank TV.

When did Steven realize he felt that he liked me.

I shrugged it off before my head was full of questions that would just drive me crazy.

I returned to my bowl of fruit and started picking at it as I turned on the TV. Now that I think about today's events I realized everything escalate very quickly. My mind started to run wild with questions and thoughts.

Am I supposed to tell Steven about my date with Jake?

Who do I really like Jake or Steven?

Are my feeling for Steven even real?


I wake up to someone slightly shaking my body. I open my eyes, confused for a few seconds until I remember I fell asleep on the couch.

"Joey sweetie wake up" My mother coos.

"What time is it?" I ask while rubbing my eyes.

"5 o'clock, I just finished up dinner." She smiles.

"Ohh, I guess I'll go freshen up first before we start then." I smile back.

I lazily make my way towards the bathroom to quickly wash my face and hands. I start to remember the kiss Steven and I shared a few hours ago and I get an odd feeling, it isn't bad nor good just very weird. I dry my damp face and head to back to the dinning area.

I take my usual seat, my mom hands me my plate and I politely thank her. Once she is seated we start a conversation about nothing in particular.

"So how was school today" My mother asks.

"It was good, Steven didn't go though. How was your day." I say after a bite of chicken.

"It was fine pretty exhausting though." She huffs.

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