Chapter 2

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Reggie?" A shocked voice sounded.

Cordelia didn't give the owner of the voice to recover as she lunged herself into her Uncle's arms.

"Hey pup" Sirius whispered into her ear. Staring accusingly at his little brother.

"What in Godric's name are you all doing here? Reg time to fess up." He was tightly holding onto his niece as if she was going to evaporate if he let her go.

"Well you see dear brother, Salazar sent me to you"

"Oh do fuck off"

"Language" Remus gently scolded him, removing Delia from his arms and pulling her into a hug.

"You look lovely darling, it's great to see you"

"Thank you, you too Remus" Cordelia grinned.

She missed her uncle dearly, he came to visit usually with Sirius but recently his ministry position started getting more demanding. Being the Wizengamot spokesperson for the werewolf community and policies liaison she wasn't at all surprised.

After decades of unjust treatment and barbaric policies against the werewolves she was proud that her uncle got the recognition he deserves in order to be chosen for the role.

"Have you and Mattheo transferred to Hogwarts then?" Remus questioned.

"We have, Dad decided to move us back here, we decided it was time to come back."

In the background, Regulus and Sirius were arguing with each other like petulant children. "Six months?! You've been planning this for half a year and decided not to tell me? I've visited you seven- Remus! How many times have I been in France?"

Remus sighed, not at all impressed with his husband's antics "nine, dear"

"Nine times! You had nine times to tell me and you decided to keep this information from me? You know what I see how it is." He was practically shouting. Remus winced.

"Sirius stop wallowing in self-pity for a moment"

"Why should I?"

"Because I've only seen you for 3 minutes and I'm already deeply considering resorting to muggle violence."

"What's going on here?" A light voice interrupted. A vibrant head of red hair came into view as she pushed by Sirius ready to scold him until she set eyes on the two kids before her.

"Cordelia! Mattheo! It's so lovely great to see you both"

"Lily, Harry's gone with Ron to collect Hemione from her parent's car." Another voice interrupted before Lily could get her hands on the two kids.

He froze and the biggest grin anyone had ever seen showed up on his face. James was always filled with joy, there was never a bad moment for him. He always made light of everything even in the toughest situations. He was just the most accurate definition of purity you could get in Cordelia's eyes.

This unmitigated joy was clearly seen when he broke into a sprint to cross the small distance to his favourite niece.

Cordelia squealed like a little girl when she was lifted off the floor.

Their show of affection caught everyone's eye and made Sirius to finally stop arguing with his brother and gave him a pat on the back as a greeting.

Remus took this opportunity to save Mattheo from Lily who was currently holding his face between her hands and plastering kisses on his nose and forehead. The two men greeted each other. The younger one discreetly thanked the older one.

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