Chapter 5

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"You know what I'm done, you can all introduce yourselves next time" Theo threw up his arms and would have most likely stormed off if he wasn't sitting down.

Pansy reached out to him and gently stroked his arm while Theo was muttering incoherently.

Everything started to make sense, Malfoy. Her dad warned her that the Malfoy's held an air of entitlement and this one was no exception.

"Hello cousin" Cordelia smiled a tight lip smile at him. There was going to be no playing nice until he showed a different attitude.

"What a great family reunion" Mattheo whispered lowly but not quietly enough as everyone burst out laughing. Apparently letting go of the laughter they were holding in.

"Nice going mate" Blaise leaned over to slap Draco on his back.

Surprisingly a small smile appeared on Draco's face. "Listen if someone appeared from Salazar knows where and claimed they were from-"

"What the noble and ancient house of Black?" Draco scowled at Mattheo's interruption.

"So, who's offspring are you?"

That was the wrong moment to take a sip of pumpkin juice.

Cordelia turned to Mattheo, how was she going to explain her heritage to this pompous twat? She really didn't want to have to explain herself to him.

Mattheo saw her expression and answered for her "Regulus Black, ring a bell?" while wiping off a bit of pumpkin juice right below her lip and then taking his thumb into his mouth briefly.

The action was clearly a promise of what would happen later. She felt herself blush and then felt everyone stare at her.

Pansy showed the most emotion Cordelia saw in the girl since she sat down. But it was Blaise who spoke "Regulus Black are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure"

"How come there was no news of you?" Theo asked, while Draco was still staring at her with no emotion on his face.

"He didn't want to live in the spotlight, that's why we moved in the first place"

Theo looked like he was going to ask another question but Mattheo shot him and everyone else on the table a look that told them that they might want to shut their mouths and drop the subject.


The first years finished getting sorted and the feast appeared on the table. She had never seen anything more beautiful, the entire tables were filled with food, not a spot was left empty. And the smell oh Merlin she felt like she was in muggle heaven there for a second.

Delia was talking to Theo while everyone was filling their plates with the mouth-watering food. Currently explaining to him that if he or anyone on the table calls her 'Cordelia' she will personally hex them herself and then Mattheo will probably follow. Theo agreed and returned the favour by saying that if she calls him 'Theodore' she'd also get a nasty hexing. They both shook on it at the end forming an agreement and lightly chuckled.

Things weren't going bad so far, not counting that conversation with Draco. Everyone she's met so far, again excluding Draco, was really nice and seemed to want to talk to her. Which she was grateful for as she wasn't just sitting there awkwardly wondering how to fill the mind-numbing silence, and then because she took too much time thinking of what to say that it was now too late to say anything as the silence went on for too long.

Gods, thank Merlin that hasn't happened yet.

When she went to pick up her plate to fill it with food, she found Mattheo with it and filling it for her. She felt embarrassed, how could have she forgotten about this. Quickly recovering she grabbed his plate and started piling on everything she knew he liked. Making dure to include an extra helping. Simultaneously they put the plates in front of one another and started eating.

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