Chapter 8

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She walked out with Pansy, who was finishing putting her lipstick on. The noise could be heard in the dorm corridor, she wanted to go back inside of hers and lock the door. She didn't really want to go, the only reason she was going was because it would be a good opportunity to meet people, which she promised herself that she would do. All she really wanted was to curl up with a book.

With a sigh she made her way downstairs, Pansy right next to her. Pansy was, well, very critical. Many things annoyed Delia and Pansy managed to hit nearly every exposed nerve.

The amount of times she had to get changed before the witch found her outfit satisfactory nearly had Delia losing her composure. She was very puzzled as to why the witch thought she could even give her opinion on what she was doing or wearing.

Eventually, she just walked out the door silently hoping Pansy wasn't ready yet so that she could get some distance, but she was right out the door behind her. She needed alcohol. Immediately, or the witch was getting strangled the muggle way.

It wasn't that she didn't like the girl, she was just very there and opinionated and imposing. Delia liked peace, she needed space. Pansy definitely did not give her that, going through her suitcases and self-appointed herself to pick out Delia's outfit, as if she couldn't dress herself.

However, she didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with her roommate so soon, especially when she hadn't even slept in the room yet. So, she allowed Pansy to continue to rummage through her clothes and grinded her teeth whenever the witch made a distasteful face or a snide comment- towards the clothing. The only thing she did approve of was the suitcase of lingerie which left Delia mortified.

After an hour Delia had enough of Pansy's 'outfit coordinating' and put on what she was originally planning to wear; leather pants and a black lace top which showed just a sliver of her stomach. She was in no mood to be leered at by drunk wizards, she was already getting too much unwanted attention and she was not going to add more to that.

Adding a lightweight, red leather jacket, she stepped into the corridor while Pansy was shouting her opinions before quickly joining her, clearly understanding that she was not going to get her way this time.

The common room was charmed with green lights, which was to be expected as there was a certain house pride in Hogwarts that her dad mentioned on many occasions.

The room was also completely filled. There was a drinks station in one corner and all the sofas were moved to the sides to make room for all the students. Although the sofas were arranged in a way where you could sit down in a group but not disturb the makeshift dance floor.

The sheer amount of people here made her frown. She didn't realise that so many people were in Slytherin, the thought made her want to throw up. The urge to return to her dorm was stronger than ever, she was up to the party this morning but now? Now it just made her anxious.

Pansy brushed past her, heading towards the sofas. She turned back to Delia and motioned for her to follow her. Trying to avoid as many of the drunk sweaty people from touching her as possible, she reached the sofas finding Mattheo, Draco and Theo all looking in their direction.

Mattheo's eyes immediately roved over her, not in an untasteful way but rather appreciative. She liked that about him, even though they were involved together he never just saw as for that one purpose. He treated her as a friend first and foremost.

Suddenly her bad mood and murderous thoughts were diminished, almost. Mattheo noticed.

"What happened?" He said in a low voice as she rounded the sofa to sit next to him

"Get me a drink before I snap and get evicted" She gave him a smile which came out more as a grimace.

He glanced toward Pansy who was trying to take Draco's glass away from him for herself as Theo lounged besides them and watched the scene with amusement.

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