Chapter 9

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"Parkinson, you can go"

"Excuse you?"

Mattheo stared at her, his face twisted in a way that would have anyone else running, but not this witch. She stared defiantly back at him whilst continually rubbing Delia's back.

"I said I can take it from here." He said in a tone that brokered no discussion "You're staying in mine and Theo's dorm tonight"

If she had access to her wand she would've used it in so many different ways. Her face contorted with anger and disgust. She was about to reply back with an equal amount of cold venom when Delia quieted.

"Hey love, let's get you in bed"

"That's not what she needs" Mattheo muttered, loudly, with an edge to his voice. Pansy glared right back at him.

"Pansy, is that a calming draught" Delia spoke, her voice small and rough from crying.

"Yeah, here you go" She held the vial out for Delia and watched as she detached herself from her arms, took it and walked across the room with no fault in her step. A small towel flew across the room into Delia's hand as she wandlessly summoned it and roughly ran it up and down her face. She made her way to the bathroom and shut the door leaving Pansy and Mattheo stood alone in the dorm.

As soon as the door shut, Pansy spun to face Mattheo and accioed her wand off the floor. She stood perfectly still, arms crossed, stone-cold face.

"First, you don't get to barge in here and order anyone around, especially not me. Second of all, lose your damn tone. Third, don't stand here arguing with me pointlessly, coz love" she calmly said, the last bit in a mocking tone, "it's not going to get you anywhere and rather focus on your girl"

"You don't fucking know anything about her, I'm her best friend-"

"Stop pissing everywhere trying to claim some metaphorical territory. Like I fucking care. I don't care who she is to you, I saw her clearly upset, I'm not going to step aside just because you consider yourself to be fucking Merlin. Is that clear? So either help her since this is clearly not the first time she's had an attack as she's pretty good at hiding it from everyone-"

"You noticed."

"Yeah, well I'm not everyone. Don't interrupt me. So either help me help her or get out, is that clear, Mr Riddle?"

Mattheo was biting on his tongue so hard that he was surprised it wasn't bleeding already.

"So I guess you're not leaving then"

"Fuck no" she rolled her eyes at him.

"Fine" he spat at her. "Tell me what happened"

"Finally, the boy has some common sense"

"Parkinson" he couldn't help but snap at her.

She had no right acting like she knew everything and he was wasting precious time having this conversation with her. He knew what to do, she didn't. He had been through this with Delia for years, she hadn't.

Even Regulus didn't know the full extent of it so the fact that this random witch knows worried him and how Delia was going to react.

Pansy explained briefly what she saw and as soon as she finished, Delia appeared from the bathroom, stepping out with only her bra and underwear and went to her wardrobe where she unpacked all her clothes. Not even glancing in their direction, she picked out a big t-shirt and walked past them straight into the bathroom again.

Her eyes were rid of the tears that were there just a couple of minutes ago. There was not a shred of evidence of her breakdown, except her eyes. Her eyes were dull, no longer retaining the shine they usually had.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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