Chapter 4

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Professor McGonagall led them in front of a massive wooden door which looked about 500 years old. It had slight intricate designs into it that weren't really visible until you really looked at it.

Delia fell in love with Hogwarts as soon as she stepped into it. 'Funny' she thought to herself bitterly, 'how easy it is to fall in love with a place instead of a person'.

Beauxbatons was a beautiful place but cold. It felt cold and sterile, each room very eerily similar to a ward in St Mungos.

The thing was that she liked cold atmospheres, she never liked places that gave off a warm feeling as it suffocated her. Her old school however, was a bright sort of cold. Every wall was covered in a white sort of blue, the idea was that it was supposed to look like the sky and feel airy but Delia just didn't feel it.

She liked the dark sort of cold. Like dark greys and greens. They had a sense of calm to them but they weren't warm, they were colours you could detach to but feel comforted at the same time.

Hogwarts was the complete opposite to what she knew in France. It was old, not in a dusty way but in the beautiful way, where you know there is a vast history behind it. All in all, it felt like a breath of fresh air. And the colour scheme was different which Cordelia was thankful for.

"Right, you'll both get sorted before the first years, I will introduce you and then the doors will open and you'll enter. I'll place the sorting hat on each of your heads and it will tell you your house. You will then proceed to your new houses." At that she left them both at the door and entered into the hall, her robes swaying behind her.

Cordelia didn't move. She stood with eyes locked on the door in front of her as if she was going to open it with her mind.


She couldn't hear Mattheo calling her name, didn't even react when he put his hand on her shoulder willing her to look at him.




This got her attention; he never called her Cordelia. Well only when he was mad or trying to get her to calm down during a panic attack.
"Hmm" Now when she looked at him, she really saw him. His eyebrows were furrowed as he was looking at him, trying to figure out what she was thinking.

She reached out to him, smoothing out the crease with her thumb. She smiled at him lightly.

"I'm okay, I just can't believe we're here. Just got absorbed in it all"

He took hold of her wrist and placed a gentle kiss on the inside of it. Her heart did a little backflip. She adored this side of him, it didn't come out often, so she cherished every moment of him. It wasn't that he wasn't caring because it was. He just showed it differently not usually in this soft, quiet way.

He kept hold of her hand as she turned to look at the door again.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing now?" slightly exasperated.

Turning her head so that she could see him, an evil little smile spread across her features. "I'm concentrating" she said with an air of nonchalance.

Mattheo stepped forward as she turned her head forward again. He wrapped his arms around her middle and made it so her back was flush against his chest. He leaned into her ear "is that so?"

Resting his chin on her shoulder, she let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding in. "You want to know what I'm thinking?"

"Go on then" Her voice getting rougher as his hands made their way under her shirt and making small circles on her hip bone. Whereas he was using his mouth to nip gently on her neck with his teeth and then smoothing over the red skin with his tongue.

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