Chapter 7

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"I don't know what you mean" Cordelia told Pansy nonchalantly. She wasn't in the mood to explain herself, especially not to the girl she had only exchanged about 6 sentences with. Definitely not after that mortifying encounter with Theo.

Pansy just returned to her book and gave Delia an affirming noise that showed she knew Delia was full of shit.

Rolling her eyes, she made her way into what she assumed was the bathroom, it was. The bathroom was black, it was covered in black tiles and had lights covering most of the ceiling. And the shower; the shower looked heavenly. The entire bathroom looked like it had been professionally designed. It definitely was not a typical bathroom that Hogwarts provided.

Confused and awed, she stepped out of the bathroom "Pansy, the- the bathroom"

"Oh yeah, the normal bathroom is much too vanilla for my tastes, so I made some adjustments" Pansy waved her off not even looking up from her book.

"Well, its gorgeous"

"Oh, I know" Pansy gave her a sly smile.

Getting everything she needed from her bag, Delia made her way into the bathroom, again. She made her way to the mirror, splashing her face with water. She looked like a nightmare, the curls she had magicked into her hair the previous day had lost all their shape and were pointing in all manner of directions. Underneath her eyes was just black, the remainder of her mascara and eyeliner.

And her neck. Oh fuck. Her neck. Delia stared at herself in the mirror with wide eyes. If she thought her mortification couldn't increase from this morning, it definitely did now. Theo had seen her neck, oh Merlin so did Pansy.

But Theo, she couldn't believe it, she had known the guy for an hour maybe a little more and already he had caught her naked in bed with Mattheo, her best friend. Had woken her up to get her out of his room, which, she had been royally fucked in mere hours ago and he knew that. She put her head in her hands. To add to that, he collected her clothes from every corner of the room and then showed her the way to her dorm, by Circe that boy was a saint. Well, that was to yet be decided on how many people would know everything when she got to breakfast. Fuck, she had fucked up so bad and it wasn't even the first day of lessons.

She turned her attention back to the reflection staring back at her and ran her fingers over her neck. It was filled with angry purple bruises that would soon turn green, it was also red, all red. Anyone would clearly be able to see all the fingerprints and hickeys. Delia could trace exactly where Mattheo's hand had been. The sight of the massacre that was her neck really shouldn't have turned her on this much. She could feel the desire burning her core. Now she really was mad that Theo had woken her up instead of Mattheo. She knew he would have gone absolutely crazy if he saw this.

He would've kissed her neck, worshipped it, been so gentle with it all while fucking her hard below. She swallowed a moan.

Nope, nope, nope, she had to get ready, she could not have her head filled with Mattheo. Most importantly she had to cover the marks on her neck.

The shower was indeed heavenly when she stepped into it, the water cascading down her body, enveloping her.

She returned back to the mirror and brushed her teeth, washed her face and put on eyeliner and mascara. Deciding to leave her hair straight Delia just did a simple drying spell and moved onto what to do with her neck. Just as she was about to mutter the concealment charm she paused, she had a much better idea.

Quickly putting up her hair in whatever shape it took on the top of her head she made her way back in her room. She must have looked a bit crazy as she opened all 4 suitcases and unloaded her backpack on the bed all while chuckling to herself which within seconds turned into full blown laughter bordering on manic.

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