Chapter 3

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As they entered an empty compartment, they both stared at each other with adoration. This was a new journey for the both of them and they were embarking on it together.

Mattheo loved Cordelia. Not in the romantic sense, but in the sense that she was his best friend. The person who was there when his entire life went to shit. Plainly said, she was his.

Many people would consider Cordelia to be cold. She was quiet, usually only speaking when spoken too or when she was angry. When she was angry it was in no other way to say, muggle hell. The girl wouldn't shut up until she said everything on her mind. He loved that side of her

"Why are you looking at me like that?" his Lia spoke up shyly

"Nothing" he knew how to make her squirm, it usually ended up with him getting smacked but that was just entertaining.

He circled around her like she was prey and he the predator. He took a curl into his hand and tugged gently, making her twirl around to face him with her face already scrunching up with the beginning signs of anger but also tainted with curiosity and desire.

He adjusted his grip and took in a larger section but instead of gently tugging at it he now pulled it.

As expected, her hand lifted and a slap was coming his way. Before it reached its target he grabbed her wrist held it in front of her face while he looked at her menacingly and shook his head slightly with a tut. "Mean witch" he smirked.

All of a sudden, her feet were off the ground and she was straddling him while he was sitting on the compartment bench. She couldn't help but beam at him. He tried to prevent it but a smile creeped out anyway.

He loved seeing her happy, loved seeing her happy and he knew how to make her even happier.

"You know.." he uttered seductively while drawing circles on her hip, each movement bringing his fingers closer to where she desperately wanted them to be. "I didn't get to have breakfast today"

"Oh did you not?"

She shifted her hips, starting to roll them and silently gasping when she could feel that he was already hard.

He started moving his hips to meet hers, both of them working in tandem to seek mutual pleasure. His breath hit her neck with uneven breaths as his mouth inched closer to her neck and his hand was dug into her hair. "No I didn't. It seems I'm a bit peckish"

"Mattheo" she moaned breathlessly as he hit a spot that made her eyes roll.

His fingers inched further across her waist until they reached her buttons, swiftly undid them and slipped below her waistband.

Abruptly, the doorknob started to move and Mattheo quickly lifted Delia off of him and deposited her next to him as she simultaneously buried her head in his shoulder to hide her dishevelled state and buttoned her jeans. Meanwhile Mattheo quickly adjusted his robes to hide the clear tent that had formed in his pants.

A head of bushy hair appeared through the door as a girl partially stepped in and asked "Do you mind if I and some of my friends sit here, everywhere else is full."

"No, please go ahead" Mattheo replied. The girl stepped into the compartment fully and took notice of the way Cordelia was sat.

"Sorry, are you alright" She asked inquisitively.
That seemed to pull Delia out of her state and she lifted her head to regard the girl who was now sitting opposite them

"Hi, yes I'm alright. Thank you for asking"

"You two must be new I haven't seen you before" the girl inquired.

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