Chapter 6

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-Tw: sexual content-

They were standing face to face, their noses nearly touching. The lemon shampoo he used that morning filled her senses as she leaned closer to him, never breaking eye contact.

Not many people would describe brown eyes as glowing, but his did – like morning sunlight bouncing off of the bark of a redwood tree. She could get lost in them forever and her world would fall apart if they ever lost their shine.

She brushed his lips gently, making minimal contact. It was a test, who would break first. So, she stayed there or at least tried to, but his scent was drawing her in, the aftershave clinging to his neck, the lemon in his hair and when a tiny puff of breath hit her lips, she lost it.

His lips were so soft, gliding between hers with no effort at all. She slightly parted her lips, allowing his tongue to slip inside.

Delia's whole body tingled as he pulled her closer so that their bodies were flush against each other and felt as his arms wrapped around her middle. He held her against him, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense until she felt like her knees were about to give in.

By the time Cordelia became aware of her fingers, they had already untucked and slipped under his shirt, his skin smooth and radiating heat.

He slowly detached his lips from hers, nipping her bottom lip and holding it in between his teeth as if it was painful for him to let go. He looked up at her as his mouth made his way down her chin to her throat leaving open mouthed kisses on the way. He noted her each and every reaction, how her eyes fluttered shut when he latched his mouth onto her pulse point. The way her breath caught in her throat and her mouth was left slightly parted, letting go of a silent sigh.

When his teeth grazed the space his tongue was just on, she couldn't stop the moan that left her. No matter how many times she had been with him it was never boring, never routine.

That sound seemed to be the beginning of his undoing. He grabbed the bottoms of her thighs and lifted up to which she immediately wrapped her legs around his waist as he pushed off the wall, returning his attention to her lips as he enveloped them again in another searing kiss but this one with more need and passion.

When he hoisted her up, she instantly removed her hands from under his shirt and reached to run her fingers through his velvety hair, giving her more grip to hold on to during his punishing kisses.

The door slammed into the wall as Mattheo went through it back first. Cordelia removed one hand from his hair as she reached for her wand to wordlessly close and lock the door and then muttered 'muffliato' against Mattheo's lips. When she was done, she aimlessly threw her wand somewhere in the room and let out another deep moan as Mattheo was marking her throat.

As the sound left her, he looked up at her and paused briefly, his eyes glowing with desire, just before he swiftly moved her off of him so that she was standing in front of him breathlessly. She was trying to catch her breath as he kept backing her up until her back hit the wall. His hand placed just above her head.

He towered over her, his chin not even reaching the top of her head when he was standing upright, but he bent over slightly, now putting his upper arms on the wall, locking her in.

"You remember the safe word darling?" His voice was rough but reached her like molten chocolate.

She couldn't find her voice in order to answer him, so she nodded her head instead, but she knew that he'd only not let her answer once.

"Are you going to use it when you need to?" She nodded her head again.

He sent her a sinful smile and used one of his hands to unbutton her shirt, his hands burned their way across her cold skin. He attached himself to her neck again as he whispered "Say it"

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