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Chap. 5;Butterfly garden cafè 2:...that connects us to our soulmates

Pages 41-50



Everyone was surprised to hear Giyuu's shout.It was like he's trying to protect someone.That's why everyone in the gang tried to go to the bathroom but the door was locked.

Meanwhile,No one knows what's happening except that is,Shinobu,Giyuu and a certain someone.

-------->Shinobu's pov:
I excused myself right after they start the conversation.Nature starts to call so I excused myself and went to the comfort room.

I did my thing in one of stalls when I heard clicks of a person's heels.Then,I heard a man's voice.Why would a man enter a woman's comfort room? Or even wear heels!?

"Good no one suspected.The only thing to do now is get the money and I should start my plans.Plans to give them back to life.All I have to do is found the girl with the blue spider lily blood so that if I bring them to life,They'll conquer even in the sunlight.Arigato,Otousan." It said.

Instinctly,I felt something in my pinky finger.I saw a red ribbon! My red ribbon.The first time I saw them was before I met tomioka.I was really thankful then,Wait...I should focus on what's happening now,Not tomioka and these red ribbons!

After I did my thing I went out of the stall,I froze in the spot.I felt a sudden deja vu,The feeling like I know him though it's the first time I saw him.What the hell is happening!?

"Did you heard it? Oh,Also looked familiar.If douma had killed you on time you wouldn't be here.So I guess I have to finish his job." He said as he looked at me and smiled mischievously.

Before he could charge with the syringe in his hand,I quickly dodged it.But he's still at the advantage since I even went further the comfort room.

I can feel my hands shaking,Why? Why do I feel scared at times like this.I mean it's normal but heck I should keep my composure.

He charged again.I quickly slid past his legs.Good thing he's wearing a dress and I don't.I quickly crawled myself until I reached the door knob.But I didn't....

------>Third person's pov
As shinobu was trying to crawl her way to the door.The trap-I mean he tried to charge shinobu but because he slipped.He instead quickly grab a hold of her hair with one hand and the other trying to reach the syringe that had been dropped.

Shinobu can't help but shout.She once again regretted putting her hair down.It wasn't too long nor too short.But wierdly enough,Just the right length for the guy to reach her hair.

"Let her go!?"

Right before her eyes,She saw someone she didn't expect.She even saw how Tomioka and her red ribbon were near that could only mean on thing,She's his soulmate.

Before she could react,Tomioka quickly ran up to the guy from behind and kicked the syring causing it to rebound and hit a part of the guy's body,Causing the guy to let go of her hair.

Giyuu quickly assisted shinobu in standing up.She accepted the offer as she felt her body numbed.Shinobu felt fear at the same time happiness.

Is it because she was finally saved from the guy? Or was it because she finally found the end of her red ribbon.The red ribbon theory were she wanted to feel or even prove it in the name of science.

As shinobu's train of thoughts start to get even more intense.She felt her eyes close.Meanwhile Giyuu took notice of it and carried her bride style as she fell into her arms.

Right then and there,He realised one thing.Giyuu felt something for shinobu.But he can't help but smile that finally he met his soulmate.His soulmate that thank kami-sama not a brat but someone he can or could tolerate...maybe.


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