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< 235 connie


you home?
can we talk??

YOUR PHONE WENT OFF. you stepped out bathroom in your robe after you heard it. "who the hell could possibly be contacting me right now?" you said, irritated.

"oh hell no! Is he serious?" you said, angrily.

you didn't want to respond because you didn't want him think you were just be cool with him after what he said to you. you were confused as to why the boy who hated you would be angry over a kiss? why does what you did bother him to the point he's throwing a fit in front of everyone?

ignoring his message and continuing to lotion up and get into your pajamas, tryna ignore his spam texts and calls, putting your phone on dnd. you really wanted to talk to nel right now and just vent to her, but you didn't want to ruin her fun with them.

40 minutes later there was a knock on the apartment door...

while watching on my block you ended up pausing it to see who was knocking at almost 2 in the morning.

"who is it?!" you asked, loudly so whoever was outside heard. they continued knocking aggressively, making you get a little nervous, grabbing the bat on the right of you in case it was a crazy person.

you opened the door and saw the buzzcut himself. you paused tryna figure out how the idiot knew your address.

"finally damn, left me out here for 20 minutes" connie said, turning back around. you honestly didn't know what to say and just stared at him.

he looked down at you, seeing signs that you were crying. you had puffy cheeks and eyes. the guilt immediately hit him like truck.

"how did you find out where i live and why are you even here?" you said in a dead tone.

"you read my damn message, didn't you? he said calmly. you began to close the door but he put his foot in between the apartment door, which made you get even more irritated.

"alright, alright look y/n m'sorry for what i said back there at the party. k was upset at what i saw between you and e. which i'm just as confused as to why i even felt any type of way to begin with but besides that's point. i didn't mean any of it y/n. i'm really sorry" he looked genuinely sorry.

he really didn't mean what he said to you but what he would never admit is how interesting you were to him.

this was the first time you ever saw connie put his extremely big ego to the side to try to apologize. you leaned on the door and stared up in his eyes as he spoke.

"i found your address from chanel, when you weren't answering i kind of got worried just a little bit though. but when she told me where you might be i decided to come" he said, quietly as he didn't want to admit it, rubbing the back of his nape.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋, c. springerWhere stories live. Discover now