I need help (The official one)

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2 weeks, 4 days, 13 hours, six minutes, and 28-29 seconds. That's how long it had been since I last had contact with 'Teenage Fan Girl'. I had tried texting her but I got no response. For all I know she could have blocked my number. Usually something like this wouldn't bother me, I would just get on with my day. But deep down I had this nagging feeling, like as if something was holding me down. I just couldn't describe it, but I knew it was bad.

"Hey Nat," greeted Clint as I walked into kitchen, making everyone else look at me happily. How could they be happy at a time like this? It was seven in the morning and everyone else besides Clint was fully dressed. I half heartedly nodded in response as I sluggishly made my way to the coffee machine. I knew Clint and some of the others were staring at me with concern but I couldn't care less.

"Everything okay?" Questioned Steve as he walked up behind me. A made a small hum in response before pouring a fully black cup of coffee. "You know one day that coffee might kill you," commented Tony making me send him a deadly glare. I slowly lifted the cup to my lips and tenderly took a sip before lowering it, all while staring daggers at Stark.

"Morning little red," exclaimed Clint making us all look towards the doorway, where a very tired 17 year old stood. She huffed before making her way to the kettle where she began to prepare her daily cup of green tea. She never was a coffee person. 

"So any plans today?" Questioned Sam, who was sitting on one of the many armchairs. To be honest I have no idea why Tony chose them, they looked disgusting.  "Well Wanda and Peter have school," Informed Tony as Wanda let out a small sigh. She hated school. "Speaking of Peter, where is he?" Questioned Rhodey as he made his presence known.

I found myself getting lost in thoughts as the group continued to talk. Was I being to Pushy? Is that why She hasn't responded back? Or maybe I did something wrong? No. Natasha Romanoff is not suppose to be soft. I shook my head free of thoughts before pulling out my phone. Sighing, I looked back at the messages before turning off my phone and placing it onto the counter.

"Hey have you heard from that girl yet?" Questioned Wanda making everyone look towards me. I gave them a quick 'Nope' before drowning down my coffee and placing the mug into the sink. 

"I'm sure she will reply soon," Informed Clint making Tony chuckle. What the hell did he find so funny about this?!  "You got something to say?" I snapped at Tony. "I just think it's funny that a world famous assassin is worried about some dumb kid," he informed me. All the other Avengers gawked at Tony while I just walked up to him and yanked him by the collar. "Anthony Edward Stark," I growled. "Do not ever call her that! You hear me," I spat as Steve snatched Tony off me. 

How could he say something like that? The girl wasn't even here to defend herself! With that I left and retreated to the gym where I angrily beat up a punching bag. Stark really knew how to get onto my nerves, but today was one of the final straws.

Audrey's Pov

Today wasn't a good day. To be honest I hadn't really had a good day in years. To start things off, I missed the bus the only transport I had to get to school. Now you may be thinking 'oh it's okay just catch the next one' but no that wouldn't work. Because a) school started in 30 minutes and b) The next bus came in three hours. So with no other choice I had to walk.

Then I got mugged.

Yep, you heard me. I got mugged, and beaten. So now I sat leaning against a trash can, which stunk, as I attempted to catch my breath. However the bullet in my shoulder didn't help. Oh, did I mention? I got shot. 

Yer, today really wasn't a good day. 

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