Chapter 15

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"I know your plan is to lose by appearing vulnerable to human blood, but you should still probably practice to ensure that it is an act and you don't end up feasting on innocent audience members," Jimin jokes, but he gives a valid point.

"Where should we go?" Edward asks.

"We should probably start somewhere manageable like a walk in a park, and then we can try the mall," Edward suggests. Edward's stomach clenches in anxiety. Jimin notices and chuckles. "It won't be as bad as the last time you saw a human. You've had some time to adjust and you've eaten. You will be fine," Jimin assured him. "Do you trust me?" Jimin asks softly.

"I trust you," Edward responds. They remain in silence until the bus pulls over near the park. Jimin takes Edward's hand as they head to the door. Before exiting, they pause.

"Ready?" Jimin asks one last time.

"Ready". Edward replies as the door opens. To Edward, it is like opening an oven of baking bread, but instead of buttery bread dough,the smell of blood overcomes his senses. The intoxicating scent seems to hit him in the face. He grasps Jimin's hand even tighter to ground him in reality.

"You're ok; I've got you," Jimin whispers in his ear. With that, they step out into the world. After taking deep, steady breaths, Edward feels ready to approach the park. It is not very busy but there were certainly others around. Children play tag and run around, couples walk dogs, and a few people run through the area. With his new abilities, Edward realizes he can hear the music out of everyone's headphones and he smirks when he hears one runner is listening to a BTS bop. He feels a rush of air with every movement in every person. The chorus of heartbeats surround him and the thumps of feet hitting the ground reverberate through his body. However, after standing still for a minute to collect his thoughts, the intensity fades. He begins to walk through the park, still clutching Jimin's hand, and begins to feel almost normal.

"You will be just fine tomorrow!" Jimin reassures Edward, and Edward nods, pleased by his progress.

"I think I'm ready for the mall," he says as he tentatively heads toward the entrance.

"I think you are too," Jimin says. They enter through the large double doors and Edward feels weak in the knees. He has the desire to taste human blood and is only restrained by his slight hold on his consciousness and Jimin's strong hand.

"It will get more comfortable in a few minutes. Just focus," Jimin says. Edward embraces the echoes of steps and breathing and all the mundane human sounds that terrorize him, and he begins to feel more at ease, like he did at the park.

"How do you ever focus around humans? I can barely think?"Edward asks.

"I promise, eventually it dulls and becomes less intrusive," Jimin says. They begin to walk through the crowded lanes through department stores, kiosks, and food stands. Edward notices that the cheesy, salty scent of the oversized pretzels no longer stirs his appetite, but it at least serves as a distraction. They enter a noisy Dillards and stroll through the aisles, and all the while, Edward becomes more adjusted.

"See? That really wasn't so bad?" Jimin says playfully.

"I think that I can manage," Edward responds as they approach the exit after successfully completing their goal.

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