Chapter 5

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Jin looks all around for blankets, but all he can find is a small throw with the band member's faces from leftover merch. "This is the best I can find, but it won't be enough. We need another solution and fast, or we are going to need another band member," he mumbles as he brings a shivering Edward the blanket.

"I'm sure I'll be fine," he says but the band and even the rivals all look at each other nervously.

"We just have to wait it out," says V anxiously. Jimin stares at his feet as everyone else watches Edward like he is porcelain. The wind gets stronger and the snow beats onto the bus even louder.

"Will someone talk about something? Anything?" Edward asks as he starts to feel numb.

"I guess this is as good of a time as any..." J-Hope begins. "Basically, there is this guy, and he is pretty bored and constantly pissed off, and he happens to have infinite holy power. Y'all humans call him God, but you got a ton of facts off. Anyway, bored and angry God decided to make this game. You would think we would just decide to not play it, right? Well, you may have lots of his personality quirks wrong, but he does have a thing for destiny,". V continues.

"He also has a thing for pop music, so he creates the battle of the bands. Each year, two bands are chosen. The winners walk away with nothing. The losers enter the second round, but this time, the competition is inside. They are taken to an other-worldly realm and one of them is chosen".

"Chosen for what?" Edward inquires, his voice becoming weaker as his lips turn purple.

"Chosen to choose who will die". Jimin breathes out angstily.

"ENOUGH!" yells Johnny as he rips off his shirt while flexing his abs and biceps.

"Johnny...?" Skye whispers in confusion as her partner approaches the freezing human. Jimin defensively steps in front of Edward.

"What do you think you're doing," Jimin growls threateningly. Johnny tries to brush past him but is thwarted in his attempts.

Keeping your human warm, ya clown. Get out of my way!" He says.

"You'd probably prefer it if I died from hypothermia, wouldn't you?" Edward sulked through his chattering teeth.

"You know nothing of what I want!" Jimin says as he storms to the front of the bus. Meanwhile, Johnny crawls under the blanket to spoon Edward. The room is noticeably quieter as Edward's teeth stop clashing together. Skye rolls her eyes.

"Well, that's one way I guess..." She says sarcastically. J-Hope rushes off to Jimin.

"What is up with you man? At least the poor kid won't die now," he says softly.

"I- I know, but I wish he didn't need to be saved in the first place. I wish..."

"What, Jimin?"

"I wish that I could be the one to hold him, the one to protect him and keep him warm," He whispers as his head falls to his hands.

"You don't need a beating heart to love," J-Hope whispers back softly. Jimin doesn't notice J-Hope's pained eyes as he leans on his shoulder for support. The storm rages on as the boys faintly hear RM try to end the awkward silence by finishing the explanation of the game.

"Where were we?" He breaks the silence.
"The second round," Edward whispers contentedly.

"That's right. Someone is chosen, and no one can leave, none of us could leave, until the chosen one chose a target to stay". His voice faded off at the end.

"And the losers have to do it all again the next year, hence why we are here now," V adds. "And apparently that wasn't enough for Him, he also needed to add a blizzard..." he whispers as the bus falls back to silence.

Edward and the JampiresOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz