Chapter 8

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Edward wakes up to a van full of people awkwardly staring at him. He turns his head to see Johnny still behind him under the BTS blanket. Johnny winks at him as Edward quickly tries to scramble away from the bed. "Erm... thanks," Edward mumbles, and Johnny just chuckles. From the other side of the bus, Skye sends Johnny a death glare.

"Was that really necessary?" She grumbles. After getting up, Edward looks out the window to see pure white. The trees glisten from a beautiful deer and thick coat of snow.

"The guy may be a pain in the ass, but it is pretty out there, you gotta admit," RM says. Edward nods.

"What happens now?" Edward asks.

"What do you mean? 'What happens now?' You go back home! Are you blind? This is a terrible idea!" Jimin cries as he storms off to the far end of the bus. This time, Edward stomps after him.

"What is your problem? You don't have to like me, but you have to accept me. I am part of BTS now and you cannot change that!" Edward screams passionately.

"You don't understand what you are giving up! You are giving up your chance to live, to grow up, and to have a family. You don't get to throw your life away! Do you know what I would give to be human? It is too late for me but not for you," He rants, but in the end his voice goes quiet.

"You don't get to tell me how to make my decisions. What gives you the right?"

"Fine! When you ruin your life, don't act like no one tried to stop you!" Jimin says before running out the door and into the snowy forest. Edward just sits in silence until he feels a light tap on his shoulder. "He will come around," Jin says. "He has been through a lot this year, and he's scared. He puts up an angry front but he is terrified, and we really can't blame him," he adds.

"I understand, but he has to accept me eventually!" Edward cries. Jin pats his shoulder once more and gives him some space. Edward fumes. Truthfully, he has a soft spot for Jimin. When he first heard the notorious boy band's music, he was drawn to Jimin's charm and lovely voice, as well as his wit. His small infatuation with the boy only made his rejection more painful. After leaving his family to join the band, Edward hoped to find family in the band, but the constant tensions between him and Jimin have begun to take a toll on him.

Meanwhile, J-Hope trails after Jimin through the snow. No longer bothered by wind or cold thanks to their vampireness, they run for quite some time until Jimin stops by a frozen lake.

"How can someone so horrible create something so beautiful?" he says. The sun reflects over the snow-covered lake and the scene looks like a Christmas card.

"I believe that is more of a testament to you; this year has been hard, but you still see what is beautiful. You may be scared, but you are also strong Jimin," J-Hope says softly.

"I don't think I can do this anymore. I can't open myself up to the pain of losing again. The battle is close, we are not ready, and truthfully, I cannot wish The Game on the other team either. We have to stop Taylor..." Jimin responds. His convictions, however, lack confidence.

"We will," J-Hope responds comfortingly while taking Jimin's hands as if he was sharing warmth that neither of the boys had. They sit there for a while, appreciating the picturesque view until the rustling of trees interrupts the muted silence. Both pairs of eyes dart to the source; a deer.

"You've been so stressed, and you spend more time worrying than taking care of yourself. You should eat," J-Hope gently suggests while nudging him away. With that, Jimin nods as he takes off toward the deer. J-Hope stays longer to watch the morning unfold as his mind wanders back to Jimin.

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