Chapter 13

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After a few minutes of enjoying her new wolf-ness, Dani transforms back to her human self along with. Skye. Soon after, a girl with bright pink hair wearing all black approaches them.

"I'm here about the band," she says, straight to the point. "The werewolf band," She clarifies, whispering the word 'werewolf', to protect their secrecy.

"Fantastic! Welcome..." Johnny cuts off waiting for her name.

"Robin," she responds matter-of-factly.

"Do you want the story first, or the wolfy part first?" Skye asks with a grin.

"What do you think? Make me a werewolf!" she responds as she takes her jacket off, already fully aware of what is about to happen. With that, Johnny transforms and scratches her arm. "Cool!" she exclaims as she observes the processes overcoming her body. Soon, her transformation is complete and she chases her tail to get a glimpse of her rosy brown fur. After appreciating the moment for a few seconds, she returns to human form.

"I suppose I should ask for your names, now that I'm part of the pack," she suggests.

"That one's Johnny, the other one's Dani, and I'm Skye," she explains. "We may have jumped the gun with introductions, but we don't have much time to prepare," she says.

"Prepare for what?" Robin asks, and Dani wonders the same thing.

"There is the Battle of the Bands. We have to compete because it is Taylor's will, and if we lose we have to play The Game, which is not very pleasant and has some nasty repercussions so we have to get training," Johnny explains. "We've never competed, but we play the losers from the year before, and based on their recollections, this is not a battle that we want to lose," he adds.

"So how do we win?" Dani inquires.

"We sing, dance, and charm our way through," Johnny responds with a wink.

"I guess we better get practicing then," Robin responds as they head to the middle of the clearing to practice.

At the same time, BTS begins their practice in a clearing not too far away. "Now that you're a vampire, we can practice at a real speed!" V says excitedly. The music starts to play, but somehow they fit what seems like three-times as many moves in the song compared to Edward's first human rehearsal.

"Woah! That was fast!" Edward says giddily. If they could dance this fast, how could they ever lose! He wonders out loud, "How did you guys even lose last year! This is amazing!". His words are casual but he immediately senses the unease from everyone's energy. "Nevermind... that was probably a dumb question," he says, trying to backpedal the conversation to where it was moments before.

"You have a point; we should probably discuss that," Jin says, breaking the silence.

"We didn't know who we were up against last year, so we really don't have much to go off of in terms of competition. At least this year, we have that advantage," Suga says. "The problem was really part of his game. Humans. Many many humans and it was like they all had papercuts, and we weren't far from being newborns at the time. Taylor used them to distract us. It wasn't enough to throw off the act completely, but it all fell apart just enough. If he pulls that stunt again this year, you could be in trouble, given your recent transition," he continues to explain.

"How do I fight it?" Edward asks, concerned not only for the game but that he could be a risk to his town.

"Focus, and arrive well-fed," RM says, only half joking. "It might help to go out in public and practice during a low-stress time," he also suggests.

"But not today; I don't think it would go well for anyone..." Jin says, remembering his transition. He knows Edward probably feels strong enough now, but around other humans, his strength would probably not hold out for long.

"I have to say, I will miss getting to sleep," Edward says jokingly.

"Every hour you're not sleeping is now an hour you can be partying though! Think about how much more you will get out of the day!" V adds.

"Solid point, but I also can't eat food! Do you remember what curly fries taste like? I'll never have curly fries again!" Edward dramatically mourns. "I'll get over it someday I suppose..." he adds on, emphasizing the struggles of his new existence.

"You'll be fine, and you won't get sick again at least," Suga says.

"And you get to run super fast, and can stay underwater for as long as you want!" V adds.

"I suppose being a Vampire could have its merits," Edward says, jokingly coming to a conclusion.

"I guess we should run everything from the top and get some practice time before the newest vampire goes out on the town," Suga says while they all get back into formation.

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