Chapter 11

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Jimin and Edward return hand-in-hand to the van after their long walk. The rest of the band seems to be in deep conversation only broken by RM. "That seemed to go over well," he says while gesturing to their intertwined fingers. Both guys look at their hands, realizing they forget they were even holding each other's hands. They let go reluctantly. In a more serious tone, V speaks up.

"It's time," he says softly. Edward and Jimin's eyes meet before Edward nods.

"It won't be pleasant," Jimin whispers softly.

"I understand," Edward replies with a soft smile and a nod. "Will you do it though? I want it to be you," he adds as his face turns slightly red.

"Yes," Jimin responds softly.

"We've come a long way, haven't we," Edward says with a grin.

"Definitely," Jimin agrees.

"Are we doing it here?" Edward asks as he looks around the bus.

"I don't see why not..." Jin replies. "We should probably get started though. You will want to sit down for this". Edward sits and pulls down the collar of his shirt.

"Here?" he asks quietly. Jimin just nods as he draws closer. He awkwardly places a gentle kiss on his collarbone before revealing his fangs and biting into Edward. Edward's body begins to seize, but Jimin appears to lose control. V and Suga rush to pull Jimin off of Edward before he goes too far. As soon as Jimin regains control of his consciousness, he falls to his knees, his memories flashing to how Jungkook's body convulsed before he was taken.

"He will be alright," J-Hope promised, understanding Jimin's reaction. "Edward isn't him," he adds knowingly.

"I know, I know..." Jimin says, mostly to reassure himself. After getting himself back together, he rushes back to Edward, who has fallen still.

"This is supposed to happen, right?" he asks despite knowing that this is a part of the transition.

"Yes, this is natural," Suga says.

"I wouldn't call it natural per se..." Jimin adds mildly sarcastically. Suga's chuckles lighten the mood slightly, but they all still are filled with great anticipation. After a long moment of silence, Edward's pale skin suddenly goes even paler, and his eyes flash open. They are filled with confusion and a deep hunger that the other boys knew far too well.

"Fridge! He needs blood! Get some blood!" Jimin cries as he holds Edward still. V rushes over and yanks the fridge door open and gathers all the blood into his arms. Edward lunges forward and punctures bag after bag with his fangs and sucks them dry.

"He needs more," Jin whispers.

"I'll take him to the forest to find a deer or something," Jimin says while pulling Edward's arm out the doors. They both break out into a sprint, and even with Jimin's incredible speed, Edward's newborn powers gave him the strength to surpass Jimin and dive into the trees. They run for a while, looking for anything when suddenly Edward rushes even faster into a clearing. Briefly, Jimin is filled with relief, thinking that Edward found a deer or something, but as he drew closer, what he smelled wasn't a deer at all; it was a human and... werewolf?

"Shit!" he mutters under his breath as he tries to gain on Edward, but Edward is much too fast. When he saw them, he knew right away that it was Edward and Skye, but also their waiter from the other day.

"Run! He's a newborn!" he screams loud enough that they would hear him even without their heightened hearing. Skye rushes to Dani and throws her on Johnny's back before transforming herself and running. Edward nearly catches up, but they begin to put more space between themselves and the rogue werewolf. Luckily for them, a rabbit hopped through the snow to the right of Edward. It was far enough away that even Jimin probably wouldn't have noticed it, but Edward's super-sensitive nose and a deep craving for blood is enough to draw him even to the smallest of creatures. He catches it easily, but in his enthusiasm, he barrels forward almost hitting a tree. Jimin pauses for a moment, not ready to watch the recently transformed vampire make his first kill. Soon though, Edward emerges from the trees to Jimin with his head down.

"I'm sorry," he says abashedly.

"Don't be; you couldn't help it. I'm sorry you had to go through it though," Jimin says sadly even though he knows that Edward just did what he had to do. "Are you feeling alright? The beginning will be difficult," he adds. His soul (or lack thereof or whatever is there now post-vampire transformation) hurts for the pain that he knows Edward just went through.

"I feel..." Edward pauses to think. "...funny," he adds. Jimin bursts out laughing, and Edward realizes that is the first time he has seen him really laugh and he quite likes it.

"Funny is all you can say after getting turned into a vampire? You have one hell of a sense of humor!" Jimin adds and Edward joins in with laughter at the preposterous situation he got himself into. Soon, a thoughtful quietness falls over them.

"This is not where I thought I would be a week ago," Edward says pensively.

"I apologize," Jimin says softly while gazing into Edward's eyes.

"Don't apologize. This is right where I want to be," Edward replies without breaking eye contact.

"I'm glad," Jimin responds, not wanting to end the moment, but eventually knows that it is time. "We should probably head back; I'm sure they are pretty worried," Jimin says lightly but somewhat sadly. Edward just nods and they begin to head back much slower than necessary to stretch their time together.

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