Chapter 12

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Right as Skye begins to think of how to explain their 'situation' of sorts, she smells two bloodsucking Cold Ones. One is familiar, and one is almost familiar but she can't put her finger on what the difference is. When Edward Cullen breaks through the forest at record speeds with piercing red eyes, however, she knows exactly what happened.

"Shoot! They changed him!" She screams to Johnny as Dani freezes in confusion. Just after, Jimin emerges and shouts "Run!s He's a newborn!" Really? I never would have guessed..." Skye thinks to herself sarcastically while grabbing Dani and throwing her onto Johnny's back. For a brief moment, she considers running toward Edward to put some space between Dani and him but decides against it. The odds of stopping a newborn vampire are not pretty, and getting herself injured would not help them in the days to come. Instead, she transforms and runs after Johnny, trusting the superior speeds of werewolves. After a while, it seems that Edward gets distracted and loses them. They wait on guard for a few minutes before they head back to the pickup. Dani still appears mostly undisturbed by the whole situation. That, or she is in shock. After returning to the truck, Skye transforms back. And helps Dani down before Johnny transforms.

"Yeah... we didn't quite get to that, but I suppose that was a decent introduction to the subject. Vampires," She says.

"Cool, cool, will they always try to kill me though?" Dani asks with mild concern.

"Nope, he just changed and really had no control. He should be fine in a bit. I would not recommend messing with newborns though. Their strength is at its most powerful and their drive for blood overcomes reason and logic".

"Got it," Dani says.

"We still have one more very important thing to do today," Johnny remarks.

"I know! But who else?" Skye responds, understanding exactly what Johnny is referring to..

"Who else? For what?" Dani inquires.

"We need one more member, or we are in big trouble," Skye says gravely. "But where will we find someone that will adjust quickly enough?" She asks, mostly to herself as she begins to pace. "Someone who is likely to believe this craziness pretty easily, who won't be freaked out too badly," she continues.

"I think I might actually have an idea, but the person might be... out there..." Dani suggests.

"I don't care how 'out there' they are, we just need someone!" Johnny responds.

"Well, Forks has a blog dedicated to the supernatural, and the person who runs it would probably believe everything pretty easily," Dani suggests.

"How do we find this person?" Skye asks. Dani pulls out her cellphone and pulls up the blog. Skye leans over her shoulder and scoffs at the blog.

"'The Occult Forks'? It sounds like she is doing magic with her silverware!" She says while cracking up.

"This is the best we are going to do, okay?" Dani responds, unbothered. Dani scrolls down to the contact me button and clicks to leave a message. "What should I say? Do you want to join a band of Werewolves? You might get chased by a mindless vampire though so don't rush into your decision..." Dani says sarcastically but Johnny just shrugs.

"Why not? We are desperate," he responds. Dani sends the message they all stare at the phone expectantly. Quickly after, her phone dings.

'I'm in,' is the only response. Dani quickly texts the blogger about their location and gets the response that the mysterious person will be there in ten minutes.

"Should we...?" Johnny says gesturing to Dani.

"Yeah probably. Dani, are you ready to change?" Skye asks.

"You know it!" she replies. "How does it work though?"

"I will scratch you, you'll turn into a giant doggo, and then you're set. It is much more fun than becoming a vampire, I assure you," Skye answers with a laugh.

"Okay then... Let's go I guess," Dani confirms, and then Skye transforms into her wolfy form. Dani awkwardly rolls her sleeve up and extends her arm toward the werewolf and Skye reaches a large front paw up to scratch her.

"Ow!" She exclaims, mostly in annoyance and not too much pain. She can almost feel the wolfiness in her shoot from her arm throughout her body and suddenly she transforms into a large pale wolf. She looks over to Skye and lets out a loud howl. In response, Skye joins her chorus and Johnny looks over at the pair and laughs.

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