Chapter 16

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The day finally arrives and the moment is heavy. Jimin especially feels conflicted about the whole ordeal. His thoughts keep returning to Jungkook and his newfound feelings for Edward. The whole situation is filled with uncertainty, and Jimin doesn't feel ready to process what the future will hold.

The morning is overcast and Forks is quiet. The band heads to the clearing to meet their competition before the battle begins. Johnny, Dani, Skye, and Robin look just as somber as BTS as they meet up to walk in silence to the arena that appears in the middle of the forest. The arena is bright and filled to the brim with unassuming people, unaware of the grave consequences that will come.

The bands suddenly distance themselves as to not give away their super-secret cooperation as they enter the stadium. Taylor greets them in his human form, leaning on a wall, arrogantly waiting for the bands to arrive.

"Well well well, aren't we in for a good time today," Taylor says as he laughs. He gets no response except for angry glares. Jimin's fists ball up as he is filled with anger and resentment. "I assume you all remember the rules... losers get to play a fun little game after this!" He says gleefully. Jimin loses it. He rushes toward Taylor with his fists raised.

"Is this really fun for you? I get it; you're lonely and sad that nobody likes you so this is the only way to get anyone to come near you, but this is insane!" Jimin gets ready to punch him in the face, but Taylor just smirks and snaps his fingers and reappears behind Jimin as he flips his long, dark hair.

"Tsk tsk tsk...Somebody needs to calm down if you want any chance of winning today," Taylor says mockingly. Jimin glares as Suga comes up behind him and places a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Edward finally sees why the band has been angry at this guy for so long. The showdown continues in silence until the large audience breaks into applause, signaling the beginning of the battle.

"You're up!" Taylor cries as he pats J-Hope on the shoulder before he heads backstage to watch. BTS slowly makes their way to the stage and is met with even louder screams. Edward realizes he won't have to fake much of his distraction as the music starts to play. The stress from the past weeks catches up with him and the scent of blood paired with the sound of every heartbeat overcomes their backtrack. Even with his superspeed, Edward hardly keeps up with the music, relying on the other members' movements to cue what was happening, and before he knows it, the music ends. He is still disoriented as they bow, and V grabs his hand and gently guides him offstage.

"Great work, Edward," Suga whispers in his ear.

"It was all real," Edward replies sadly. Jimin reaches for Edward's hand, worried about the next few hours.

"This could be the last time I see you for a while," Jimin says nervously. "And I don't know what will happen, but I want you to know that I will fight for all of us, and I will fight for you". J-Hope fake gags in the background but is shut up by Jin's angry glare.

"I will fight until we are back together again," Edward says as their opposing band takes the stage.

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