Chapter 10

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After leaving the BTS bus, Skye and Johnny head to the diner. Dani 'greets' them in her characteristic death glare as she takes them to a table. A few other tables are occupied, but except the occasional burst of conversation here or there, the diner is quiet. "What can I get you this morning," Dani asks. Johnny clears his throat and takes a deep breath like he was about to give a speech, but Skye interrupts him. "We will just get a couple of coffees. Thanks!" She says sweetly. This time, Johnny is the one giving a death glare and Dani smirks in amusement. "Of course... I will be right back," she says as Johnny kicks Skye under the table. "What was that about! I wanted steak!" he says. "We have a lot to discuss, and I think steak would be distracting... and it's an odd order for ten in the morning" She says sarcastically. Johnny just shrugs. "I suppose you're right. What's our plan," he asks. "We need at least two other members to join us, and we need to find them fast," she responds. Right then, they both hear someone humming the beginning of a Journey song, followed by a loud growl of exasperation. "Maybe they are our next member," Johnny jokes. "I mean, it could be worth a shot," she replies. "I was kidding you know..." "But what if you weren't," she says as Dani makes her way back to the table with coffee. "Who was that singing back there," Dani asks as Dani sets down the coffee. "Oh, y'all could hear that? It was me. I do it because it annoys the boss," Dani replies with a grin. "Do you like your job?" Skye whispers. "Do I look like it? I hate this place, but there's decent tips," She says back, not all that quietly. "How would you like to join a band and quit this place," Skye says as she elbows Dani in the side. "Hell! Why not!" Dani cries as she takes off her apron. She reenters the kitchen and an "I QUIT!" Resounds through the diner before she walks back to the table. "Shall we?" Skye says gleefully. "I didn't even get to drink my coffee," Johnny says ruefully. "Boo hoo. We are out!" Skye says as she drags Johnny from the table outside to their beaten-down pickup truck in the parking lot. "I suppose I should ask where we are going before getting in your truck, but I can't find it in myself to care," Dani says passively as she climbs into the back seat. After pulling the car out of the parking lot, Skye speaks up. "So, do you believe in monsters?" Skye asks. Dani starts laughing. "Do you mean my boss? She's a pain, but I wouldn't go so far as to call her a monster!" Dani responds. Skye chuckles tentatively before pulling off the road to the same forest she and Johnny were in just that morning, albeit a different clearing. "Not exactly. I suppose you probably wouldn't. I guess we have something to show you then," Skye responds. "This is a bit creepy, I'm not gonna lie. Are y'all gonna murk me here or something?" Dani says. However, she doesn't look very concerned as they all get out of the car. "Don't worry about us," She chuckles. "The thing is, if we show you this, you've got to be in. I will warn you now, it could get dangerous, but we are not the bad guys. However, we are the baddest," She says with a wink. "Go for it. Show me your worst," Dani says nonchalantly. With the go-ahead, Skye nods at Johnny and he swiftly rips off his shirt for the second time in the past twenty-four hours. "Why?" Dani says, not impressed. "Just wait," he says and winks right before he starts to run. After picking up speed, he jumps and transforms: his limbs extend and he grows buffer and buffer as he transforms into a dark tan werewolf. "Holy. Shit." Dani says, only slightly more unfazed than she was earlier. Skye looks over with pride knowing she picked the right person to join their band as she stays relatively calm. "Do I get to do that?" Dani asks. "That was our hope!" Skye responds. "You seemed to handle that pretty well!" "Yeah, but I'm still kinda confused," Dani adds. "It's a long story..." Skye says as Johnny runs up to them and rests his head on Skye's head. "I would think so," Dani responds.

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