Chapter 7

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Jungkook looks around, noticing that his bandmates are all in weird suits in a fancy manor. His instincts give him a terrible feeling about what is to come. "What is going on?" He says to himself as he tries to piece together what he can. He can't tell who it is, but the bandmate in the blue suit comes over to him, gesturing with his hands. "Hello? Can you hear me?" He calls, but he doesn't get an answer. Instead, the frustrated mystery person grabs his shoulders and shakes him before giving up and leaving. "This is not going to end up well," he mutters to himself.

"You've got that right!" The voice in his helmet pops up in a sing-song tone. Jungkook almost falls out of surprise.

"I would prefer to not talk to you right now," Jungkook growls back.

"Well who knows? After this, we might get to talk to one another very much!" Taylor adds.

"God, I hope not," he grumbles as he tries to investigate. Starting with himself, he rustles through all his pockets until he finds a crumpled up sheet that looks like a to-do list.

Greenhouse: Pull weeds

Ballroom: Polish floor

Kitchen: Cook dinner

Attic: Organize junk

"You just want to get out of house cleaning? Bro! This is overkill!" He sarcastically whispers.

"But this is so much more exciting!" Taylor responds in his helmet. Jungkook just ignores him and begins to search for a greenhouse and explore the mansion. The first floor is expansive but soon he finds a door that looks like it would go outside. He opens it and a wave of humidity hits him. This must be it... He thinks to himself as he looks around. It is filled with beautiful green plants, and quite honestly, he has no idea which are weeds. However, he can't bring himself to care so he takes out his frustrations with the whole ordeal by uprooting everything he can get his hands on. After a few minutes of throwing pieces of exotic plants at the walls, Taylor's soft voice fills his helmet again.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" He calls cheerily.

"And why not?" He responds obstinately.

"You just might need those later on. However, don't let me get in your way!" He responds. Jungkook's hands fall to his side and he ponders what he should do next. Part of him wanted to do anything but what Taylor said, but part of him was worried for the consequences. Despite his apprehensions, he took one large and especially colorful flower with many tiny seeds, and yanked it from its roots and slammed it to the wall with a loud scream. When nothing happened, he stormed out of the room. He decides that he will not put himself through meaningless tasks just to play into Taylor's complex. However, he doesn't know what else to do. His thoughts are consumed by Jimin and his heart aches. To ease the pain, he tries to distract himself by finding the attic. When he gets there, however, he is not alone. Yellow appears to be waiting. Yellow calmly walks over to him and places a fabric patch on Jungkook's spacesuit, but instead of just sticking to him, it was absorbed into the suit and Jungkook felt it attach to his skin.

"I'm assuming, you didn't bother keeping the antidote," Taylor says mischievously from his helmet.

"Dammit!" Jungkook whispers. "The flower, isn't it..." Taylor just laughs in agreement. Yellow begins pacing as Jungkook feels his body freeze up and his vision goes black.

After finishing his tasks, Jimin heads back to the lair beneath the study to keep an eye on things. When he gets there, he sees something sus. Right as he arrives, in one of the rooms, Yellow places something on Red and Red begins to seize up. "NO!" Jimin yells at the screen while he tries and fails to get back upstairs. While flailing for anything, he notices a claw looking like an oversized toy claw break through the ceiling and grab red.

"The best part is that he knew exactly who he chose! But lucky lucky for you; you get to go home!!!" Taylor taunts as Jimmin's chair finally returns to the study.Jimin hardly notices; frozen with shock, he can hardly even see anything.

"Do you want to know who he chose?" Taylor asks.

"Just tell me," he breathes through gritted teeth.


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