Chapter Thirteen

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"Is all of this really necessary Yoshinaga-san?"

"No one is a one trick pony kid, if you go out there, you fight with everything at your disposal, no fight is a fair fight."

A boy with green hair and green eyes who was aged 9 and was wearing a P.E. clothing and a man who was aged 28, the man had mint green dark green hair that was styled in blinding bangs that covered the man's right eye which was orange in colour, the man was wearing a black jacket on top of a white T-shirt and was wearing grey jeans, the man and the boy was currently beside a table and on the table was many firearms, from simple one-shot pistols to even a light machine gun.

"So, which one should I try first?"

The man identified as 'Yoshinaga' then proceeded to approach the table and grabbed a hunting rifle and gave it to the boy who held it and inspected it, 'Yoshinaga' also then set up a target across the room and stood next to the boy.

"This rifle is the easiest one to aim, but if you miss, you will create a huge opening for your opponent, so let's start with your basic aim. Now I want 5 shots at that target!"

The boy did what was told but instead of just shooting the gun automatically the boy shot one bullet first, that hit the target a little higher from the barrel point, the kid then lined up the shot a bit lower and as he fired the second and third shot, they both landed on the bullseye and one a bit above it consecutively, the kid lined up the fourth shot and as he shot it, he recovered from the recoil and fired the fifth shot in under a few seconds.

"Not bad for a first timer, you adapted very quickly for the recoil but your aiming could use some work, now let's get you acquainted with the rest of the weapons."

"Yoshinaga-san, how do you have all of these weapons in the first place?"

'Yoshinaga' then stopped at his tracks and looked down at his feet then 'Yoshinaga' let out a sigh before twirling a knife he had in his pocket, the tactical knife had a black blade with a green hilt and grey handle, it also had a small kanji engraved on the blade in red and orange colour which said 'determination'.

"I used to be in the military, but I dropped out because she... forget it, there's no point in dwelling in that time..."

'Yoshinaga' took two Uzis and threw it at the boy who caught them in both hands, 'Yoshinaga' also took a bunch of discs and stood a good distance away from the boy.

"Next one, you fire those Uzis and try to hit these discs that I'll throw at you and---"

"But what if I miss?"

The man then smiled as his left eye turned red and as he threw one of the discs which suddenly broke mid air as a red slash appeared where the disc was destroyed and the remaining pieces were held in the air with a red energy outlining them, the boy stared in awe as he saw a quirk at work, 'Yoshinaga' then chuckled as he used his quirk to move the disc remain to the side.

"Don't worry, I'm used to catching bullets, so don't be afraid to spray now let's begin."


The man then threw the discs in the air and the boy started top try and shoot all the discs and resulted in 12 out of 24 (25 if you count the one destroyed by 'Yoshinaga') and finished the two magazines of the Uzis, the finished mags then dropped to the floor, making a cling sound, the man's left eye was still red as around him were exactly 64 bullets surrounded in red energy, and as the man's left eye became normal again after he stepped away, all of the bullets rushed and left bullet marks all over the wall behind where the man had stood.

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